Friday, January 30, 2009

Could NBC be any dumber

I have taken to the blogging thing, so I thought I would go at it again.
I have a question for everyone, could NBC be any dumber for rejecting the PETA Super Bowl ad? In my opinion, they couldn't. I have talked about this for a couple of days now, since I saw the news, and with a few other people and it seems everyone agrees with me about NBC's stupidity.
In case you have been under a rock for a few days, here is some background. PETA created an ad for the Super Bowl that was extremely racy showing women using veggies in a very sexual manner. The purpose of the ad was to get people to become vegetarians. The ad informed the men watching that "Studies Show...Vegetarians have better sex" and that men should in turn "Go Veg." Pretty good ad if you ask me, but NBC didn't think it was appropriate.
On The PETA Files (the organizations blog) there is a list of shots that NBC requested be cut before they would consider airing the spot. Here you go: licking pumpkin, touching her breast with her hand while eating broccoli, pumpkin from behind between legs, rubbing pelvic region with pumpkin, screwing herself with broccoli, asparagus on her lap appearing as if it is ready to be inserted into vagina, licking eggplant, and rubbing asparagus on breast.
Holy cow. Now I have seen the ad and it is pretty racy, but lets be honest, does anyone, including NBC, not think that PETA did that on purpose. They knew full well when they made that, or at least their ad agency did, that it was going to be rejected and they would have a media field day. I don't watch the news that often, but at work CNN is on the TV in the room where I work on mute and I have seen the ad about 25 times in the last few days. There is one important part to my viewing that ad, PETA showed me that ad on CNN, and every other news network and all over the Internet FOR FREE. Let me repeat that, I have seen the ad a total of about 40 times at NO COST to PETA.
So congrats to PETA for outsmarting NBC and not paying $2 million to run an ad during the Super Bowl and getting the most coverage then any ad that airs during the Super Bowl.

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