Friday, January 30, 2009

I have a Mac, so now I am cool

I have thought a lot over the last couple of weeks since I bought my wife a MacBook for Christmas about how it has changed my life. I am part of the generation that was really the first to grow up on computers. We had a Commodore 64 when I was little and I loved playing Jump Man (one of the most underrated games of all time if I must say so myself). My dad used to bring home his portable work computer, if you consider something that takes three people to carry portable. My classes were filled with computer courses since I was in grade school. I state this so that you know that I have been around computers my whole life, so having a new computer isn't anything new to me.
I have not gone more than a day in my adult life without a computer. I am not a computer expert, I mean I can turn it on and off, but other than that I need an IT person. It is also important for me to point out that I have known about and read blogs for years. I highly recommend them as something to fill your days and as a great source of information and entertainment. So why is it now that I (and my wife, she falls in this category as well) have just decided to start a blog.
Is it because it is now easier to start a blog? No. Is it that I have more time on my hands now a days? No. Is it that I all of the sudden decided that people should hear my opinion on things? Not at all.
The answer is, I have now have a MacBook. My life changed on Christmas Day when my wife and I became MacBook owners. We all of the sudden become cool. I should take this opportunity to note that my wife has always been cool, so I make that statement basically for myself. What is it about having a MacBook that makes you an expert on social media. Mac owners know more about creating movies, editing pictures, blogging, music, anything that is "hip and now." Right now I am typing on a Dell computer, but I started this blog on a Mac. There is no real big difference, but I wonder if I would have ever started a blog if I had not gotten a Mac. Maybe, but probably not, because as a PC user I felt somewhat inferior to Mac users in terms, what I call, "web coolness." You have to admit, all of the cool kids have a Mac.
Let me digress a little bit and let you know my thought process on this. I took two course in Logic during my undergraduate career at West Virginia Wesleyan, so I know a little about logical statements (both truth statements and false statements) and this is how it works. A logical statement, as I recall, is a sentence which can be either true or false without ambiguity. It is known as the truth value. So using this thought process, I had the following logical statement concerning buying a MacBook: "All Mac owners are cool. Sutton owns a Mac. Therefore, Sutton is cool." Now some of you may have trouble with my logic and if you do, then this probably isn't the right blog for you. No matter, that was my thought process in buying a Mac (that and my wife wanted one and as I love her dearly and want her to be happy, she gets what she wants). I am a logical thinker. It is simply how my brain works. I don't consider it the right or wrong way to think. Wait a minute, this is my blog so why be so nice. I do consider it the right way to think, or at the least the best way to think (that should at least make people feel a little better). Anyway, again, I digress. I felt a need to become cool, so I had to figure out how to accomplish that. Everyone was doing myspace, twitter, or facebook and I just wasn't apart of that new way of life, so I needed something. I knew all Mac owners were cool, so bingo, that was it. I am not saying that if you don't own a Mac that you aren't cool. There are other ways to be cool, and please feel free to share them with me if you know a few. I am simply saying that this was the easiest way for me to become a "cool kid."
If you have a Mac then you know what I am talking about. If you don't own a Mac, then you have no idea, I didn't, but I do now.


  1. i always thought that having spent nearly a third of your adult life and roughly the entire GNP of a small third world country on buying DVD's would be enough to make one officially cool. i stand rules.

  2. This is how I see it:


    MAC Sutton

  3. Derrick = Aaron

    And "Cool, MAC, and Sutton" were supposed to form a triangle. I guess I need a mac.

  4. I close my eyes at night wondering what it would be like to own a Mac. Perhaps some day I'll own a Mac and will know the feeling of tech utopia...
