Okay, a little back story is needed here. About a week ago it was determined that A-Rod's cousin was the person who injected him with an over-the-counter substance to gain an energy boost. This started a rash of emails back and forth between my brother, my cousin, and myself. In one of the emails my cousin starts off by saying "When one reflects back on the 'glory days' one can add details to the story at will." We have began referring to our former years in the gym and playing ball as the "glory days," mainly since they have passed the three of us up and now all we have our stories. My cousin's point was that while A-Rod couldn't remember much detail about these days, while we are always able to remember exactly how successful we were during our "glory days." It never fails that when we get together my brother explains to us how much we was able to curl and my cousin reflects on how bad an idea it was to try and squat twice his body weight. Anyway, to end his email, my cousin wrote, "One doesn't realize they're in the glory days until they have past."
So I wrote the two of them back, mind you they are both older than me, and said, "Are you saying that we aren't still in our 'glory days'." My brother then put an end to the question with the following email, "I promise you both that the glory days are over. If you have any doubt, try to remember the last time you hurt your back bending over. Was it to pick up a 75-lb. dumbbell or just something on the floor? Or maybe even just getting out of bed? 'I don't know what I did to my back!' That's a first sign indicator, the glory days are long gone."
I bring this all up, because I woke up this morning in a good deal of pain. For you doctors out there, or want to be doctors, see if you can figure this injury out. I work up this morning and my right shoulder was killing me, I could barely bend over because my back hurt, and I couldn't put hardly any pressure on my left knee. So right shoulder, back, left knee. Doesn't make much sense huh? For some of you it does. It is a common injury that is the result of playing too much Wii Sports Bowling.
I thought to myself, "seriously, I can hardly move because I played to much Wii Bowling." I wasn't even using a real bowling ball. Now most of you know that I remain somewhat active (not as much as in my "glory days") with tennis and squash. I play at least two to three times a week and most weeks more. I play pretty hard and most of the time it doesn't take long to recoup, but man I am sore this morning. So maybe my "glory days" are really past me. I am not willing to give them up just yet, but some of the signs are there.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What To Give Up For Lent?
For those of you who don't know, tomorrow is Ash Wednesday, the start of Lent. So, as is custom, I needed to figure out what to give up for the next 40 days (apparently it is something like 46 days, since Sundays don't count). So I thought about it for a while. Most of you know, I am just ending on month without eating any meat, which was for no reason at all. My wife kind of wanted to make that retroactive, but there are no grandfather rules in Lent, so we need to find something else to give up.
Before I started this blog, I did a little reading on Lent and found that the fasting during Lent is intended to be about self-discipline. You don't just fast (and by fast, in modern terms that is giving something up) for the sake of fasting, it has to be something that requires you to use some self discipline, self control, and be something that you will miss so that you think about it and make a conscience effort to ensure that you stay disciplined. That way, you are always keeping in mind the purpose of Lent (I will leave the purpose of Lent up to each of you individually, because that is how I roll).
So with that said, I thought about a variety of things, but nothing really seemed that hard. I then read something that said that fasting wasn't just for self discipline, but also to better one's self. It is not just about fasting, but fasting to cleanse yourself and to better yourself. In modern terms, I took that to be something that would make me healthier or a better person. So I thought about what I use and do everyday (for the self discipline part) and something that isn't necessarily the healthiest thing in the world for me (the cleansing part).
Well, I settled on caffeine. I did soda last year, but that really wasn't' that hard because I still had tea and coffee. This year I am going cold turkey. As I finish up this blog, I am drinking my last cup of coffee till April 11th. I probably drink about a total of 4 or 5 cups of coffee a day and three or four sodas/energy drinks a week, so this is going to be hard. Since I was in the mood to take this seriously, I decided to add chocolate to the list since it is high in caffeine. I will see what else I use that is also high in caffeine and nix those as well (goodbye Excedrin).
So when you see me over Lent, be careful for the first few days, as I will likely have a pretty strong headache. But also make sure that I am following my promise here. I hope that each of you who celebrate Lent have put some thought into your decision and I hope maybe I have provided you with some insight into a way to make your decision. Post your decision here, or hit me up on Facebook and let me know what you decided. Good luck.
Before I started this blog, I did a little reading on Lent and found that the fasting during Lent is intended to be about self-discipline. You don't just fast (and by fast, in modern terms that is giving something up) for the sake of fasting, it has to be something that requires you to use some self discipline, self control, and be something that you will miss so that you think about it and make a conscience effort to ensure that you stay disciplined. That way, you are always keeping in mind the purpose of Lent (I will leave the purpose of Lent up to each of you individually, because that is how I roll).
So with that said, I thought about a variety of things, but nothing really seemed that hard. I then read something that said that fasting wasn't just for self discipline, but also to better one's self. It is not just about fasting, but fasting to cleanse yourself and to better yourself. In modern terms, I took that to be something that would make me healthier or a better person. So I thought about what I use and do everyday (for the self discipline part) and something that isn't necessarily the healthiest thing in the world for me (the cleansing part).
Well, I settled on caffeine. I did soda last year, but that really wasn't' that hard because I still had tea and coffee. This year I am going cold turkey. As I finish up this blog, I am drinking my last cup of coffee till April 11th. I probably drink about a total of 4 or 5 cups of coffee a day and three or four sodas/energy drinks a week, so this is going to be hard. Since I was in the mood to take this seriously, I decided to add chocolate to the list since it is high in caffeine. I will see what else I use that is also high in caffeine and nix those as well (goodbye Excedrin).
So when you see me over Lent, be careful for the first few days, as I will likely have a pretty strong headache. But also make sure that I am following my promise here. I hope that each of you who celebrate Lent have put some thought into your decision and I hope maybe I have provided you with some insight into a way to make your decision. Post your decision here, or hit me up on Facebook and let me know what you decided. Good luck.
Monday, February 23, 2009
The Best Show on TV
Friday night my wife and I got home from eating dinner and decided, like we do most Fridays, to start catching up on your shows that we put on DVR for the week. We have several shows that we watch, but as we were watching I started thinking about writing a blog about the best show on tv. First I thought about doing a blog on the best shows of all time, but man that got to be tough, so I may take a stab at that soon. Let me state for the record, that the best show of all time is The West Wing and I won't take any arguments on this one. Anyway, back to the best show on tv today. I tried to put some parameters on the selection, such as it has to be on regular tv. I don't have HBO or Showtime, so for me, those shows don't count (though there are some fine shows on those networks I hear). I thought about taking out reality shows, but they are just as much a part of tv as regular shows, so they stayed in (though none made the Top 10). I did however take out talk shows, such as The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. It breaks my heart not to include those shows, but I took them out. All other shows, whether it be comedy, drama, action, sci-fi, 30 minutes or 60 minutes, were included.
Okay, on with my list:
10: Nip/Tuck--I personally don't watch Nip/Tuck, but my wife does and Scott is always raving about it, and I really like what I have seen, so it made the list, if for no other reason than I think they have the best trailers each week.
9: House--I have been a big fan of House since the very first season, but I have to be honest it is beginning to slip a little, but just a little. They need to go back and focus on medical cases and take some of the personal stuff out of it. Still a great show and the fact that I sit endlessly and watch reruns on USA means it is still great.
8: Psych--This is a great show that I just recently got into. It is very funny and at the same times keeps you guessing about what is going on. It is like a CSI that is funny and doesn't take itself too seriously, so I like that.
7: South Park--I am not sure that South Park will ever not be on this list. It never ceases to deliver and it is always cutting edge and hilarious.
6: Damages--This is a great show, despite the fact that I leave each week's episode madder and madder because they won't reveal much of the plot. The show is entertaining and no one can say that it doesn't keep you guessing and wanting more.,
5: The Office--This show can really disappoint some weeks, but it can also be the funniest thing you have ever watched some weeks, so I keep it up top. The show needs to stay focused on being funny, so hopefully we won't be disappointed.
4: Numb3ers--This show just continues to amaze me. Last year I would have taken it off my list, but they really did a great job of getting the show back on track and have added on plot twists and some great graphics work to keep us entertained.
3: Lie to Me--This is the best new show on tv and if I was writing this blog a month from now, I bet that this show would be on top. It is the most interesting new show to come along in a long time and I am really enjoying it. It is one of those shows that will reach a breaking point in a season or two and have to decide which direction to go, but if they can keep it fresh, it will be a great show for years to come.
2: Gossip Girl--Yes, you read that correctly. This show has everything and I always get mad when I sit down and get ready to watch shows and realize that there wasn't a new Gossip Girl on. Also, I have to stay, I have never wanted to model my life after a character more than Chuck Bass. This isn't just a show for teenage girls, it is worth a viewing from everyone.
1: Burn Notice--Hands down the top show on tv. I got into Burn Notice at the end of last year and I can't wait each week for a new show. The season is almost over, but I am willing to wait. It is a difficult concept for the writers to continue to come up with fresh episodes each week, but they have done it perfectly and I think that they will continue to do the same for years to come.
Shows that missed the cut (and some explanation) in no particular order:
30 Rock--I just never really found the show funny except for Alec Bladwin. It just doesn't even come close to the top comedies on tv in my opinion.
Heroes--I tried to get into this show, but never really got it down. I think it is a great show and if there was an 11th, this show would probably be it.
Scrubs--This actually pains me to say and I almost didn't even put it down, but even though Scrubs is still extermely funny, it is a shell of its former self. I still sit for hours on end and watch old episodes, so it is difficult for this season to compare.
Grey Anatomy--This show has gone down each season since the first season and it continues to slip. I am still giving the show a chance, but after each episode, I always say that that was the last one.
Trust Me--This is a new show and it has the potential to make the list, but I am worried that this show is going to fade away.
Law & Order/CSI--Too many spin offs hurt the original shows. I know some people still like them, but there have been other shows that have come along and knocked these guys off the list.
Lost--I tried and tried to get into this show, but the concept never caught on. I just don't think it is as good as others do.
American Idol--Not even as close to as good as it used to be. So why do I keep watching? I have no idea
Hell's Kitchen--I love watching any show with Ramsey but they really need to update this show and put some new twists to it.
Big Brother--I know it isn't on right now, but this is my favorite reality show, so I thought I would mention it
Fringe--Two months ago, this show was on its way to being the new X-Files and at the top of my list, then something happened. They just went way to far out there and are on the verge of losing it. If they can wrangle in the concepts for the shows and little bit and bring it back to somewhat of reality, then it can make a huge comeback in my book.
Let me know what you think I have missed, what needs to be added, and what needs to be deleted.
Okay, on with my list:
10: Nip/Tuck--I personally don't watch Nip/Tuck, but my wife does and Scott is always raving about it, and I really like what I have seen, so it made the list, if for no other reason than I think they have the best trailers each week.
9: House--I have been a big fan of House since the very first season, but I have to be honest it is beginning to slip a little, but just a little. They need to go back and focus on medical cases and take some of the personal stuff out of it. Still a great show and the fact that I sit endlessly and watch reruns on USA means it is still great.
8: Psych--This is a great show that I just recently got into. It is very funny and at the same times keeps you guessing about what is going on. It is like a CSI that is funny and doesn't take itself too seriously, so I like that.
7: South Park--I am not sure that South Park will ever not be on this list. It never ceases to deliver and it is always cutting edge and hilarious.
6: Damages--This is a great show, despite the fact that I leave each week's episode madder and madder because they won't reveal much of the plot. The show is entertaining and no one can say that it doesn't keep you guessing and wanting more.,
5: The Office--This show can really disappoint some weeks, but it can also be the funniest thing you have ever watched some weeks, so I keep it up top. The show needs to stay focused on being funny, so hopefully we won't be disappointed.
4: Numb3ers--This show just continues to amaze me. Last year I would have taken it off my list, but they really did a great job of getting the show back on track and have added on plot twists and some great graphics work to keep us entertained.
3: Lie to Me--This is the best new show on tv and if I was writing this blog a month from now, I bet that this show would be on top. It is the most interesting new show to come along in a long time and I am really enjoying it. It is one of those shows that will reach a breaking point in a season or two and have to decide which direction to go, but if they can keep it fresh, it will be a great show for years to come.
2: Gossip Girl--Yes, you read that correctly. This show has everything and I always get mad when I sit down and get ready to watch shows and realize that there wasn't a new Gossip Girl on. Also, I have to stay, I have never wanted to model my life after a character more than Chuck Bass. This isn't just a show for teenage girls, it is worth a viewing from everyone.
1: Burn Notice--Hands down the top show on tv. I got into Burn Notice at the end of last year and I can't wait each week for a new show. The season is almost over, but I am willing to wait. It is a difficult concept for the writers to continue to come up with fresh episodes each week, but they have done it perfectly and I think that they will continue to do the same for years to come.
Shows that missed the cut (and some explanation) in no particular order:
30 Rock--I just never really found the show funny except for Alec Bladwin. It just doesn't even come close to the top comedies on tv in my opinion.
Heroes--I tried to get into this show, but never really got it down. I think it is a great show and if there was an 11th, this show would probably be it.
Scrubs--This actually pains me to say and I almost didn't even put it down, but even though Scrubs is still extermely funny, it is a shell of its former self. I still sit for hours on end and watch old episodes, so it is difficult for this season to compare.
Grey Anatomy--This show has gone down each season since the first season and it continues to slip. I am still giving the show a chance, but after each episode, I always say that that was the last one.
Trust Me--This is a new show and it has the potential to make the list, but I am worried that this show is going to fade away.
Law & Order/CSI--Too many spin offs hurt the original shows. I know some people still like them, but there have been other shows that have come along and knocked these guys off the list.
Lost--I tried and tried to get into this show, but the concept never caught on. I just don't think it is as good as others do.
American Idol--Not even as close to as good as it used to be. So why do I keep watching? I have no idea
Hell's Kitchen--I love watching any show with Ramsey but they really need to update this show and put some new twists to it.
Big Brother--I know it isn't on right now, but this is my favorite reality show, so I thought I would mention it
Fringe--Two months ago, this show was on its way to being the new X-Files and at the top of my list, then something happened. They just went way to far out there and are on the verge of losing it. If they can wrangle in the concepts for the shows and little bit and bring it back to somewhat of reality, then it can make a huge comeback in my book.
Let me know what you think I have missed, what needs to be added, and what needs to be deleted.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Fantasy Baseball Draft
Well, I know you all have been waiting for this, so I got into a fantasy baseball draft this evening, so I can blog during the draft. It is a 16 team, 25 player roster league, so I won't comment on each post, but I will give some insight into my team and stragtey and some other random things that go on during the draft. The draft starts at 11:00. I am going to finish watching Burn Notice and then I will be back, so stay tuned.
10:58--two minutes away from the first pick. I pick eighth. probably looking at Miguel Cabrera, assuming all goes like it should...we will see.
11:00--it never takes long in a fantasy draft to be surprise. Pujols went first. Not a crazy pick, but a reach considering the league allowed trading picks, so he should have done that.
11:03--my pick...the guys I thought would be gone, Ramirez, Rodriguez, Wright, Reyes, Pujols, Braun, Sizemore were gone, so I went with Cabrera.
11:08--first round in the books...no real surprise...the big surpise was that in a 16 team league were nobody knows each other, we only had 1 no show...that is a great turnout
11:10--two picks to me...looking for Ian Kinsler...we will see
11:12--got Kinsler...real happy to get a 2b...not a deep position, so I don't have to worry about that now...looking maybe for a pitcher next...John Lackey possible...if not maybe a catcher.
11:18--this is why you never think too far ahead in a draft when you don't know the players...Matt Kemp fell to me with the 40th pick...he is ranked 30th overall, so I had to pull the trigger on a five category stud (this is a 6x6 league)
11:20--not to get too far ahead, I am about 10 picks out, but I am looking at possibly going with Abreu if he is still around, Chris Davis maybe, or Geovany Soto...of course, if Lackey is still there I will have to go with him
11:23--Lackey just came off the board, three picks ahead of me, so I will have to switch gears
11:25--took Chris Davis with my fourth pick...it is a bit of a flyer, but with him and Cabrera, I can turn my attention away from power and rbis for a little bit...probably focus on pitching for a few picks...my hitters have all good average guys, Kinsler and Kemp will score and steal bases, while Cabrera and Davis have the power stuff down
11:30--i have never been able to resist a good bat if it is sitting out there, so I had to take Abreu with my 5th pick...he is too strong in all six cats, so I again passed up pitching...maybe next time
11:34--not sure why, but closers are coming off the board fast...I listen to my main-man Matthew Berry when he says "never pay for saves," so it isn't a big deal, just interesting
11:39--there were still some pretty good bats on the board, but I got my target in Zack Greinke, so put a pitcher on the board for me...probably do the same next time by
11:43--really glad someone just took Victor Martinez so that I didn't feel like I had to
11:45--well it happened again, I took Raul Ibanez...don't worry, I have my eyes on some pitchers, so I got that covered, but Ibanez is just too solid and consistent, just like Abreu...I had to do it
11:54--I got my man...Ricky Nolasco...maybe could have fallen another round, but he is the guy I wanted, so I made sure I got him...at this point in the draft (Round 8), you have to get the players you want
11:55--interesting trend I have noticed...it is still early in the fantasy season and in this draft and mocks I have done, I noticed guys are still taking names instead of stats...be interesting to see if that trends continues, because if you don't follow baseball closely, so always just draft names
11:57--wanted Kevin Slowey, but he came off the board two picks before me, so I switched up and went with Josh Johnson...again maybe a round early, but he fits my pitcher profile (low whip, low era, mid wins) perfectly
12:05--again got my target, Mike Aviles...I need a SS, but Aviles is both is 2b/ss, so if I get a weak, SS, I can just play him there..he is going to hit .300 and go 10/10, so good for this point in the draft
12:11--didn't really know where to go...I was going to the pen, but saw too many of the same guys out there, so I picked up Pablo Sandoval to fill my 1b/3b slot...the guy will hit .310 and I will need it, because I have to take a hit on average for a catcher
12:18--needed to get a relief pitcher in their, so I was happy to see Heath Bell still on the board...i still have some personal issue with Bell, cause of his time with the Mets, but fantasy can't be personal, so he was my choice...probably go back to the pen next time round
12:24--went with Chad Qualis for my pen...good sleeper closer this year...he has the job, so that is nice and he is solid, so I could have done worse
12:30--Clayton Kershaw was a good guy to see on the board this late in a deep draft like this, so I jumped at the chance...has huge upside and I needed some ks, so that should work out great
12:38--picked up J.P. Howell to fill my holds cat...he is considered a starter, which is nice, so he should work out real well...he may even get a chance to start some or close some, so a lot of upside late in the draft
12:43--got some really good, cheap saves by picking up Dan Wheeler...if Wheeler doesn't close, he will still pitch, so the era and whip will help, but he is in line to do most of the closing in Tampa, so it is worth a shot
12:49--settled for Erick Aybar at short stop...Jed Lowrie was right there, but got taken a pick in front of me...first time that has happened...Aybar hits for good average and some power, but his main upside is speed and I needed a lit bit...was going to target him as a bench player, but oh well
12:52--really, really happy to get Chris Perez this late...he is going to close in St. Louis, so that is a huge plus this late...good upside here
12:59--finally got a catcher in the 19th round...went with John Baker of the Marlins...he is going to hit .275 with maybe 10 homers, but more than anything, I just trust the Marlins to have guys that surprise everyone, so he is my pick to do that
1:03--in the 20th round it is all about upside, so I gave Elijah Dukes a chance...one day Dukes will go 30/30 and I want him on my team when he does...it probably won't be this year, but 15/15 is not out of the question and I can take a hit on a .250 average because I have enough cover with other guys
1:09--my first bench player was Hideki Okajima...he is going to get some wins, saves, holds and has an amazing era and whip...i don't know where he will fit in, but I am sure I will find a spot...he was just too good to pass up, with little left on the board
1:13--took Juan Rivera in the hopes that he gets playing time in LAA...think he will and if he does he can put up decent numbers...if he doesn't not a big deal
1:20--took a flyer on Kenshin Kawakami...he is going to start for the Braves, so why not...you never know with Braves pitchers, so I like the upside...and I needed another guy I knew was going to start
1:24--late round picks are about getting any reward because there is no risk...with that said I took a chance on Luis Castillo...he may lead off for the Mets, though I doubt it...he will still hit second and can run and score runs, so why not
1:30--last pick...I find some irony in the fact that the Yankees now have CC and Cleveland has the Yankees lastest bust in Carl Pavano...maybe Pavano can stick it to the Yanks, so I gave him a chance with my last pick
I like my team, at least looking at it at 1:30 in the morning (I find it hard to sleep when I travel). I may get more in depth later, but I got other drafts to come still, so I will probably wait and compare them all.
10:58--two minutes away from the first pick. I pick eighth. probably looking at Miguel Cabrera, assuming all goes like it should...we will see.
11:00--it never takes long in a fantasy draft to be surprise. Pujols went first. Not a crazy pick, but a reach considering the league allowed trading picks, so he should have done that.
11:03--my pick...the guys I thought would be gone, Ramirez, Rodriguez, Wright, Reyes, Pujols, Braun, Sizemore were gone, so I went with Cabrera.
11:08--first round in the books...no real surprise...the big surpise was that in a 16 team league were nobody knows each other, we only had 1 no show...that is a great turnout
11:10--two picks to me...looking for Ian Kinsler...we will see
11:12--got Kinsler...real happy to get a 2b...not a deep position, so I don't have to worry about that now...looking maybe for a pitcher next...John Lackey possible...if not maybe a catcher.
11:18--this is why you never think too far ahead in a draft when you don't know the players...Matt Kemp fell to me with the 40th pick...he is ranked 30th overall, so I had to pull the trigger on a five category stud (this is a 6x6 league)
11:20--not to get too far ahead, I am about 10 picks out, but I am looking at possibly going with Abreu if he is still around, Chris Davis maybe, or Geovany Soto...of course, if Lackey is still there I will have to go with him
11:23--Lackey just came off the board, three picks ahead of me, so I will have to switch gears
11:25--took Chris Davis with my fourth pick...it is a bit of a flyer, but with him and Cabrera, I can turn my attention away from power and rbis for a little bit...probably focus on pitching for a few picks...my hitters have all good average guys, Kinsler and Kemp will score and steal bases, while Cabrera and Davis have the power stuff down
11:30--i have never been able to resist a good bat if it is sitting out there, so I had to take Abreu with my 5th pick...he is too strong in all six cats, so I again passed up pitching...maybe next time
11:34--not sure why, but closers are coming off the board fast...I listen to my main-man Matthew Berry when he says "never pay for saves," so it isn't a big deal, just interesting
11:39--there were still some pretty good bats on the board, but I got my target in Zack Greinke, so put a pitcher on the board for me...probably do the same next time by
11:43--really glad someone just took Victor Martinez so that I didn't feel like I had to
11:45--well it happened again, I took Raul Ibanez...don't worry, I have my eyes on some pitchers, so I got that covered, but Ibanez is just too solid and consistent, just like Abreu...I had to do it
11:54--I got my man...Ricky Nolasco...maybe could have fallen another round, but he is the guy I wanted, so I made sure I got him...at this point in the draft (Round 8), you have to get the players you want
11:55--interesting trend I have noticed...it is still early in the fantasy season and in this draft and mocks I have done, I noticed guys are still taking names instead of stats...be interesting to see if that trends continues, because if you don't follow baseball closely, so always just draft names
11:57--wanted Kevin Slowey, but he came off the board two picks before me, so I switched up and went with Josh Johnson...again maybe a round early, but he fits my pitcher profile (low whip, low era, mid wins) perfectly
12:05--again got my target, Mike Aviles...I need a SS, but Aviles is both is 2b/ss, so if I get a weak, SS, I can just play him there..he is going to hit .300 and go 10/10, so good for this point in the draft
12:11--didn't really know where to go...I was going to the pen, but saw too many of the same guys out there, so I picked up Pablo Sandoval to fill my 1b/3b slot...the guy will hit .310 and I will need it, because I have to take a hit on average for a catcher
12:18--needed to get a relief pitcher in their, so I was happy to see Heath Bell still on the board...i still have some personal issue with Bell, cause of his time with the Mets, but fantasy can't be personal, so he was my choice...probably go back to the pen next time round
12:24--went with Chad Qualis for my pen...good sleeper closer this year...he has the job, so that is nice and he is solid, so I could have done worse
12:30--Clayton Kershaw was a good guy to see on the board this late in a deep draft like this, so I jumped at the chance...has huge upside and I needed some ks, so that should work out great
12:38--picked up J.P. Howell to fill my holds cat...he is considered a starter, which is nice, so he should work out real well...he may even get a chance to start some or close some, so a lot of upside late in the draft
12:43--got some really good, cheap saves by picking up Dan Wheeler...if Wheeler doesn't close, he will still pitch, so the era and whip will help, but he is in line to do most of the closing in Tampa, so it is worth a shot
12:49--settled for Erick Aybar at short stop...Jed Lowrie was right there, but got taken a pick in front of me...first time that has happened...Aybar hits for good average and some power, but his main upside is speed and I needed a lit bit...was going to target him as a bench player, but oh well
12:52--really, really happy to get Chris Perez this late...he is going to close in St. Louis, so that is a huge plus this late...good upside here
12:59--finally got a catcher in the 19th round...went with John Baker of the Marlins...he is going to hit .275 with maybe 10 homers, but more than anything, I just trust the Marlins to have guys that surprise everyone, so he is my pick to do that
1:03--in the 20th round it is all about upside, so I gave Elijah Dukes a chance...one day Dukes will go 30/30 and I want him on my team when he does...it probably won't be this year, but 15/15 is not out of the question and I can take a hit on a .250 average because I have enough cover with other guys
1:09--my first bench player was Hideki Okajima...he is going to get some wins, saves, holds and has an amazing era and whip...i don't know where he will fit in, but I am sure I will find a spot...he was just too good to pass up, with little left on the board
1:13--took Juan Rivera in the hopes that he gets playing time in LAA...think he will and if he does he can put up decent numbers...if he doesn't not a big deal
1:20--took a flyer on Kenshin Kawakami...he is going to start for the Braves, so why not...you never know with Braves pitchers, so I like the upside...and I needed another guy I knew was going to start
1:24--late round picks are about getting any reward because there is no risk...with that said I took a chance on Luis Castillo...he may lead off for the Mets, though I doubt it...he will still hit second and can run and score runs, so why not
1:30--last pick...I find some irony in the fact that the Yankees now have CC and Cleveland has the Yankees lastest bust in Carl Pavano...maybe Pavano can stick it to the Yanks, so I gave him a chance with my last pick
I like my team, at least looking at it at 1:30 in the morning (I find it hard to sleep when I travel). I may get more in depth later, but I got other drafts to come still, so I will probably wait and compare them all.
Being a Vegetarian
Okay, I am not a full fledged vegetarian, but my wife and I have decided to be vegetarians for the month of February. It is not that difficult, because we don't eat much meat on a regular bases. We do eat a good bit of chicken and turkey, but it really wasn't that big a lifestyle change.
I have told a lot of people about our big change for this month and they all act surprised. It really isn't that hard. It becomes more difficult if meals aren't already prepared, but if you make stuff in advance, then it isn't that bad. We are eating a lot of beans, rice, eggs, and some other great stuff that my wife fixes (you need to check out her blog for that).
We weren't making a statement by doing this, we just thought it would be something different to do. We all eat the same stuff all the time, so maybe try and switch it up every now and then and do something different. It will get you thinking about what you eat and how little thought you usually put into it. You don't have to choose the road we did, but through something different into your routine and maybe you will like the change. In March we will go back to eating meat, but we found some new dishes and a new way to think about what we cook, so it has been worth it.
I have told a lot of people about our big change for this month and they all act surprised. It really isn't that hard. It becomes more difficult if meals aren't already prepared, but if you make stuff in advance, then it isn't that bad. We are eating a lot of beans, rice, eggs, and some other great stuff that my wife fixes (you need to check out her blog for that).
We weren't making a statement by doing this, we just thought it would be something different to do. We all eat the same stuff all the time, so maybe try and switch it up every now and then and do something different. It will get you thinking about what you eat and how little thought you usually put into it. You don't have to choose the road we did, but through something different into your routine and maybe you will like the change. In March we will go back to eating meat, but we found some new dishes and a new way to think about what we cook, so it has been worth it.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Podcast Recommendation
I have made recommendations about books and movies in the past, so today I thought I would make a podcast recommendation for all of you iTunes people out there. If you are interested in world affairs and international politics then you must download Fareed Zakaria GPS videocast. Fareed Zakaria is clearly the smartest man in the media, and one of the smartest persons in the world, concerning international affairs and his opinions should be taken very seriously by all of us.
Fareed is the editor of Newsweek International and now host a weekly show on CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS. In 2009, Forbes referred to Fareed as one fo the 25 most influential liberals in American media. Some of you have already shut me down because he has been referred to as a liberal, but don't let that fool you. He is a centrist who believe that that "a new world requires new thinking" and that it is his job "...not to pick sides but to explain what I think is happenign on the ground." He has written four excellent books, The American Encounter: The United Staes and the Making of the Modern World, From Wealth to Power, The Future of Freedom, and his newest book The Post-American World.
I first learned of Fareed from the Daily Show. He is a regular guest with Jon Stewart and is one of the few guest that Steward always takes seriously. If you don't have time to watch Fareed's show on Sunday (1 pm or 6 pm on CNN) then download his podcast everyweek and take the time to listen. He is always able to get the best guests, because leaders and scholars around the world respect him and know that he will always allow them to speak and he won't push any agenda on them. This past week he had Afghan President Hamid Karzai on his show to discuss his reelection, corruption charges, and al Qaeda. It is well worth the listen each and every week.
Fareed is the editor of Newsweek International and now host a weekly show on CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS. In 2009, Forbes referred to Fareed as one fo the 25 most influential liberals in American media. Some of you have already shut me down because he has been referred to as a liberal, but don't let that fool you. He is a centrist who believe that that "a new world requires new thinking" and that it is his job "...not to pick sides but to explain what I think is happenign on the ground." He has written four excellent books, The American Encounter: The United Staes and the Making of the Modern World, From Wealth to Power, The Future of Freedom, and his newest book The Post-American World.
I first learned of Fareed from the Daily Show. He is a regular guest with Jon Stewart and is one of the few guest that Steward always takes seriously. If you don't have time to watch Fareed's show on Sunday (1 pm or 6 pm on CNN) then download his podcast everyweek and take the time to listen. He is always able to get the best guests, because leaders and scholars around the world respect him and know that he will always allow them to speak and he won't push any agenda on them. This past week he had Afghan President Hamid Karzai on his show to discuss his reelection, corruption charges, and al Qaeda. It is well worth the listen each and every week.
Blog Update
My wife updated her blog last night, Splendid.Bites, so everyone have at it. I should note that this is not the meal I was talking about in my post yesterday.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Keep an Open Mind...and an Empty Stomach
You should keep an open mind in all aspects of life. Whether it be work or personal, keeping an open mind about how others think and see the world is important. You don't have to agree or like what someone says or does, but at least have the respect to listen. No one has all the answers and no one has a monopoly on what is right and what is wrong, so listen, and hear, what others have to say, because who knows, maybe you might learn something.
But that has little to do with what I am going to talk about this morning. My suggestion for keeping an open mind is to make sure people try different things. Last night, my wife made a wonderful dinner for me. Hopefully she will update her blog, Splendid.Bites, soon with the receipe, but that is another story. I have to say that when I first saw what she made, it made me a little nervous. It just didn't sound like things that would go together to taste good. But this is not my first rodeo with her food and she has made somethings that have taken me out of my comfort range and I am usually pleased, so I thought I would give it a try. I don't really know how to explain what it was, so check her blog soon, but it was wonderful. If this had been a few years ago I probably wouldn't have even tried it, but my wife has opened me up to a different style of food and I have enjoyed it. I have never been one to question what others are trying to feed me, but I had gotten used to a certain type of food that is all. I still like the good old home cooking stuff, but trying something new never hurt anyone. And nine times out of ten, I bet you will be happy with taking that chance.
I wanted to pass this story along, so that maybe the next time you have an opprotunity to try something new to eat you will give it a shot. I seriously doubt it will hurt you and most likely you will be surprise. So don't walk into a resturant and say that you don't like something if you have never tried it. Just try it and find out. You may not like it. You don't have to like everything, but you don't know what you are missing if you don't try.
My best advise, baed on experience, to those of you out there that are a little nervous about what you eat, go to a sushi bar (if you are unwilling to eat sushi, and I mean sushi not California Rolls, then you are probably beyond my reach), sit down at the bar and say to your sushi chef "omakase." Your sushi chef will give you a little grin and then take you on the culinary ride of your life. Trust Me!
But that has little to do with what I am going to talk about this morning. My suggestion for keeping an open mind is to make sure people try different things. Last night, my wife made a wonderful dinner for me. Hopefully she will update her blog, Splendid.Bites, soon with the receipe, but that is another story. I have to say that when I first saw what she made, it made me a little nervous. It just didn't sound like things that would go together to taste good. But this is not my first rodeo with her food and she has made somethings that have taken me out of my comfort range and I am usually pleased, so I thought I would give it a try. I don't really know how to explain what it was, so check her blog soon, but it was wonderful. If this had been a few years ago I probably wouldn't have even tried it, but my wife has opened me up to a different style of food and I have enjoyed it. I have never been one to question what others are trying to feed me, but I had gotten used to a certain type of food that is all. I still like the good old home cooking stuff, but trying something new never hurt anyone. And nine times out of ten, I bet you will be happy with taking that chance.
I wanted to pass this story along, so that maybe the next time you have an opprotunity to try something new to eat you will give it a shot. I seriously doubt it will hurt you and most likely you will be surprise. So don't walk into a resturant and say that you don't like something if you have never tried it. Just try it and find out. You may not like it. You don't have to like everything, but you don't know what you are missing if you don't try.
My best advise, baed on experience, to those of you out there that are a little nervous about what you eat, go to a sushi bar (if you are unwilling to eat sushi, and I mean sushi not California Rolls, then you are probably beyond my reach), sit down at the bar and say to your sushi chef "omakase." Your sushi chef will give you a little grin and then take you on the culinary ride of your life. Trust Me!
Monday, February 16, 2009
I Slept On It...and I am Still Angry
UPDATE 1:23 pm: Read this excellent article from Si.com
I tried to sleep on this last night. I started writing some (most all) of this post last night and saved it because I thought maybe I would calm down. I haven't. So here we go
Sports fans have always understood that certain players get special treatment from other players and officials. I watched a segment a few months ago that had officials talking about why certain players got away with more than others and I was reminded of that this evening. The two players that I remember from the segment were Michael Jordan and Greg Maddux. Everyone knows Jordan got away with everything, especially late in the game and Maddux always seemed to get a little extra room on the strike zone. I remember one ref saying something to the extent of 'you come out there and try and call a foul on Jordan with two minutes left in the game.' About Maddux, one umpire said something like, 'if other pitchers could hit that spot every time, then maybe they would get that call as well.' Giving special treatment to the top players in the game is nothing new and I accept that.
I was reminded of this theory while watching the Daytona 500. But I was confused, because it didn't involved the best driver in the sport. Let's get one thing straight right off the bat, Dale Earnhardt Jr., is not one of the top drivers in NASCAR, in fact, he is Top 15 at best. So why does he get such special treatment and why does he think he should get special treatment. This afternoon Earnhardt Jr. was responsible for ruining the Daytona 500. He was a lap down with just over 75 laps to go and he decided that he would take out the entire front part of the field. He was a lap down and was driving like he was in second place with two laps to go. Brian Vickers was in front of Jr and he was the first car down a lap and in line for the 'lucky dog.' Jr. tried to make a move on Vickers and Vickers blocked Jr's move, which is what anyone would have done. Jr, who doesn't believe that he should ever be blocked, then decided to take Vickers out in front of the entire field, causing 12 cars to be knocked out of contention. Mind you, all 12 cars were in front of Jr in the race and all were in contention to win the biggest race of the year.
So why did Jr decide to take out the entire field? Because he is a baby. He acted like a little kid who didn't get a toy that they wanted. Vickers didn't let the almighty Earnhardt Jr. pass him, so Jr threw a fit and decided to take out Vickers and ruin the day for the top contenders. Jr. isn't good enough to think that he should be entitled to just pass someone who is in his way. We are talking about a guy, in Jr., who missed his pitbox twice during the race and then had the nerve to complain out NASCAR's rules which cost him a lap. Look, if you miss your pitbox, then you get penalized. If you aren't in your pitbox then you hinder those around you from doing their job. But Jr., doesn't think of anyone but himself, so the rules shouldn't apply in him mind. He then thought so much of himself that he decided to blame Vickers for the wreck. I know that Jr's father was one of the best drivers of all time, but hey, Michael Jordan's son had to pay his dues to earn five minutes of playing time at Illinois, so being someone's son, doesn't make you a star. I also know that Jr. can sell products for NASCAR and his sponsers, so everyone loves him, but look, the Geico Gecko sells car insurance for his company, but they don't like him drive a car around the track.
I love watching NASCAR because it is extremely competitive and there are a lot of emotions and a lot of tension. But the best drivers, Jeff Gordon, Carl Edwards, Jimmy Johnson, etc. know how to control those emotions and simply beat someone on the track. Dale Jr., isn't one of those guys. Not only did he steal the dreams of 12 drivers trying to win the biggest race in NASCAR, but he also put a lot of guys in danger because of his little temper tantrum. He showed his true colors during the Daytona 500. He showed that he is an immature baby, who isn't even close to one of the top drivers in NASCAR. You are free to disagree with me and I welcome it, but if you do, I have decided to let Scott write the reply to you, so be aware. I am just glad that I am not a Dale Jr fan, because I don't even know how I would have gotten out of bed this morning.
I tried to sleep on this last night. I started writing some (most all) of this post last night and saved it because I thought maybe I would calm down. I haven't. So here we go
Sports fans have always understood that certain players get special treatment from other players and officials. I watched a segment a few months ago that had officials talking about why certain players got away with more than others and I was reminded of that this evening. The two players that I remember from the segment were Michael Jordan and Greg Maddux. Everyone knows Jordan got away with everything, especially late in the game and Maddux always seemed to get a little extra room on the strike zone. I remember one ref saying something to the extent of 'you come out there and try and call a foul on Jordan with two minutes left in the game.' About Maddux, one umpire said something like, 'if other pitchers could hit that spot every time, then maybe they would get that call as well.' Giving special treatment to the top players in the game is nothing new and I accept that.
I was reminded of this theory while watching the Daytona 500. But I was confused, because it didn't involved the best driver in the sport. Let's get one thing straight right off the bat, Dale Earnhardt Jr., is not one of the top drivers in NASCAR, in fact, he is Top 15 at best. So why does he get such special treatment and why does he think he should get special treatment. This afternoon Earnhardt Jr. was responsible for ruining the Daytona 500. He was a lap down with just over 75 laps to go and he decided that he would take out the entire front part of the field. He was a lap down and was driving like he was in second place with two laps to go. Brian Vickers was in front of Jr and he was the first car down a lap and in line for the 'lucky dog.' Jr. tried to make a move on Vickers and Vickers blocked Jr's move, which is what anyone would have done. Jr, who doesn't believe that he should ever be blocked, then decided to take Vickers out in front of the entire field, causing 12 cars to be knocked out of contention. Mind you, all 12 cars were in front of Jr in the race and all were in contention to win the biggest race of the year.
So why did Jr decide to take out the entire field? Because he is a baby. He acted like a little kid who didn't get a toy that they wanted. Vickers didn't let the almighty Earnhardt Jr. pass him, so Jr threw a fit and decided to take out Vickers and ruin the day for the top contenders. Jr. isn't good enough to think that he should be entitled to just pass someone who is in his way. We are talking about a guy, in Jr., who missed his pitbox twice during the race and then had the nerve to complain out NASCAR's rules which cost him a lap. Look, if you miss your pitbox, then you get penalized. If you aren't in your pitbox then you hinder those around you from doing their job. But Jr., doesn't think of anyone but himself, so the rules shouldn't apply in him mind. He then thought so much of himself that he decided to blame Vickers for the wreck. I know that Jr's father was one of the best drivers of all time, but hey, Michael Jordan's son had to pay his dues to earn five minutes of playing time at Illinois, so being someone's son, doesn't make you a star. I also know that Jr. can sell products for NASCAR and his sponsers, so everyone loves him, but look, the Geico Gecko sells car insurance for his company, but they don't like him drive a car around the track.
I love watching NASCAR because it is extremely competitive and there are a lot of emotions and a lot of tension. But the best drivers, Jeff Gordon, Carl Edwards, Jimmy Johnson, etc. know how to control those emotions and simply beat someone on the track. Dale Jr., isn't one of those guys. Not only did he steal the dreams of 12 drivers trying to win the biggest race in NASCAR, but he also put a lot of guys in danger because of his little temper tantrum. He showed his true colors during the Daytona 500. He showed that he is an immature baby, who isn't even close to one of the top drivers in NASCAR. You are free to disagree with me and I welcome it, but if you do, I have decided to let Scott write the reply to you, so be aware. I am just glad that I am not a Dale Jr fan, because I don't even know how I would have gotten out of bed this morning.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Fantasy NASCAR Draft Tonight
My league's fantasy NASCAR draft is tonight, so come back around 8:30 to get a complete recap and analysis of the draft...stay tuned
7:21--Decided to do this live you everyone out there could see what was happening. Here is the draft order: Sutton, Gallagher, Nick, Scott, Abbey, Adam. The draft is in snake order, so I have the 1st, 12th, 13th, and 24th picks. Wish me luck
7:25--First pick in 5 minutes. I will probably take Jimmy Johnson. Here is my prediction for the rest of the first round. Sutton takes Johnson, Gallagher takes Edwards, Nick takes Biffle, Scott takes Busch, Abbey takes Earnhardt, and Adam takes Hamlin. Lets see how it works out.
7:30--First pick by me is Jimmy Johnson, Gallagher takes Carl Edwards, Nick takes Kyle Busch, Scott takes Jeff Gordon, Abbey takes Dale Earnhardt Jr., and Adam takes Tony Stewart
7:33--Round Two--Adam takes Greg Biffle, Abbey takes Denny Hamlin, Scott takes Kevin Harrick, Nick takes Kasey Kahne, Gallagher takes Mark Martin, and Sutton takes Jamie McMurray
7:35--Round Three--Sutton takes Jeff Burton, Gallagher takes David Ragan, Nick takes Matt Kenseth, Scott takes Clint Bowyer, Abbey takes Ryan Newman, and Adam takes Martin Truex Jr.
7:39--Round Four--Adam takes Kurt Busch, Abbey takes Brian Vickers, Scott takes David Reutimann, Nick takes Elliot Sadler, Gallagher takes Juan Pablo Montoya, and Sutton takes Joey Logano
Post Draft Analysis
First lets look at each team and then I will comment:
Sutton has Jimmy Johnson, Jamie McMurray, Jeff Burton, and Joey Logano
Gallagher has Carl Edwards, Mark Martin, David Ragan, and Juan Pablo Montoya
Nick has Kyle Busch, Kasey Kahne, Matt Kenseth, and Elliot Sadler
Scott has Jeff Gordon, Kevin Harrick, Clint Bowyer, and David Reutimann
Abbey has Dale Earnhardt Jr., Denny Hamlin, Ryan Newman, and Brian Vickers
Adam has Tony Stewart, Greg Biffle, Martin Truex Jr., and Kurt Busch
So, the first question is who has the best team. I think overall Adam probably has the best team, with Scott a close second. The consistency of Stewart, Biffle, and Busch, coupled with the upside of Truex is pretty tough. As for Scott, Gordon, Harrick, and Bowyer are the picture of consistency, but Adam probably has more chances to win races, which gives him the edge. Gallagher and I fall in the middle. If Ragan and McMurray race like they can, then you will see the two of us at the top quickly. For me, Johnson is a winning machine and Burton is always floating around the top 10 and Joey Logano could be a huge wildcard for me. I was happy to get him with the last pick. Gallagher has the real winning machine in Carl Edwards, but Edwards is prone to some serious off weeks and Mark Martin is like Burton and is always at the front. Nick probably takes Abbey for fifth and she is pulling up the rear, though not by much. Kyle Busch and Kahne can be huge winner, but they can also be huge loser, so Nick will need Kenseth to be consistent. For Abbey, Jr. can be consistent, but he is prone to long periods of droughts but if Hamlin races like he can, she will be up top in a hurry.
Overall it was a pretty even draft and most important, at least everyone knew what they were doing and nobody made really stupid picks. It should be a great season and I will update everyone each week about the status of the league. Have fun watching Daytona.
Who Would I Punch?
Last week sometime on Twitter, Scott asked everyone which celebrity they would like to punch in the face. It is an odd question yes, but it got me thinking. My initial response was Joe Morgan. Look, I know Morgan was great, but he kills me as an announcer during baseball games. I stated that it was conditional on Morgan saying "back when I played" one more time, but that is a pretty a safe bet. After thinking about it for a while, I have changed my mind. The answer was easy and it was right before my eyes, but it took this person to come out and say something so stupid today before I realized it.
Who is this person? Well Bud Selig of course. I mean, how dare this jerk say that A-Rod "shamed the game." No single person has done more to shame the game of baseball then Bud Selig. He was in charge of baseball during this era and he is to blame of the lack of discipline and enforcement of the rules. If you want to be tough, then be consistent. When no one was getting caught and baseball had no drug policy Selig wasn't saying a damn word, but know that the spotlight is on it, he is trying to pin it all on the players.
In an email this afternoon, my brother said that he was going to make it his cause to "get Selig fired...and potentially imprisoned." I am all for it and I hope you all join in, I know I am. This idiot needs to own up for the problems that have occurred under his watch. Until he does so, he will be nothing more than an arrogant prick in my book.
No Time this Afternoon
I don't have much time this afternoon, so I thought I would just post a few links for you fantasy baseball fans.
The first is the classic "Love/Hate" column by ESPN's Talented Mr. Roto, Matthew Berry.
The second is the great "Draft Day Manifesto" by the TMR. This is a wonderful column that really gets you ready for your draft and managing your team.
I will try and post later tonight...stay tuned
The first is the classic "Love/Hate" column by ESPN's Talented Mr. Roto, Matthew Berry.
The second is the great "Draft Day Manifesto" by the TMR. This is a wonderful column that really gets you ready for your draft and managing your team.
I will try and post later tonight...stay tuned
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It is that Time of Year
Can't you all feel it? The fresh, crisp air. The sun shining, and flowers growing. It is everywhere. No, I am not talking about the heat wave that we have are experiencing. I am talking about fantasy baseball season. Mock drafts have started on ESPN and TMR is back doing his podcast. Life is good. I play all types of fantasy sports. I play football, basketball, nascar, and if the mood strikes me right, hockey. But nothing beats fantasy baseball. For one thing, it is a huge tradition in my family. My dad and I (and my brother gives his opinion from time to time) have been in the same league for 19 years now (please clink on the link to see how real men play fantasy baseball). It is an exciting time a year.
I can't wait for baseball season. This is the Mets year. We have a closer and a deep bullpen, so we are ready to go. But let me have you pose a question to me. Okay Matt, which would you rather have happen, the Mets win the World Series or you all win your fantasy league? Wow, what a great question, thank you. I really don't know the answer to that. I truly want both to happen and I give my heart and soul to the Mets every year, but our fantasy team is a different animal. We have our hands in it everyday and really put a lot of research, time, and energy into our team, so it is really important to us.
Anyway, back to fantasy baseball in general. The thing that makes fantasy baseball better than the other fantasy sports, is that it is a game of stats, averages, trends, and match ups. Fantasy baseball requires restraint, but you also have to be aggressive. Everyone has a different strategy, so I won't get into that, but no matter what yours is, it takes serious strategy. The thing I love about fantasy baseball is that there is very little luck involved. For example, this year in fantasy football I won our league with Tyler Thigpen as my quarterback. If you aren't involved with fantasy football, then you probably don't know how Tyler Thigpen is. I was just lucky that all the quarterbacks on Kansas City got hurt and Thigpen was consistent for five weeks. That type of stuff doesn't happen in fantasy baseball, because a player has to be consistent over a long period of time. A few years ago, we won our league because we had a great draft. Other members of our league said that we got lucky to draft Hanley Ramirez in the last few rounds. It wasn't luck, it was research. Ramirez is now considered the top player in fantasy baseball and we knew that would happen three years ago. It isn't about luck, it is about knowing players, teams, and understanding how it all goes together.
It is that time of year and if you aren't excited, then you aren't a fantasy baseball player. It is hard for some people to get involved in fantasy baseball because they say it takes too much time and is too long. I will concede that...and that those are the two things that make fantasy baseball great.
I can't wait for baseball season. This is the Mets year. We have a closer and a deep bullpen, so we are ready to go. But let me have you pose a question to me. Okay Matt, which would you rather have happen, the Mets win the World Series or you all win your fantasy league? Wow, what a great question, thank you. I really don't know the answer to that. I truly want both to happen and I give my heart and soul to the Mets every year, but our fantasy team is a different animal. We have our hands in it everyday and really put a lot of research, time, and energy into our team, so it is really important to us.
Anyway, back to fantasy baseball in general. The thing that makes fantasy baseball better than the other fantasy sports, is that it is a game of stats, averages, trends, and match ups. Fantasy baseball requires restraint, but you also have to be aggressive. Everyone has a different strategy, so I won't get into that, but no matter what yours is, it takes serious strategy. The thing I love about fantasy baseball is that there is very little luck involved. For example, this year in fantasy football I won our league with Tyler Thigpen as my quarterback. If you aren't involved with fantasy football, then you probably don't know how Tyler Thigpen is. I was just lucky that all the quarterbacks on Kansas City got hurt and Thigpen was consistent for five weeks. That type of stuff doesn't happen in fantasy baseball, because a player has to be consistent over a long period of time. A few years ago, we won our league because we had a great draft. Other members of our league said that we got lucky to draft Hanley Ramirez in the last few rounds. It wasn't luck, it was research. Ramirez is now considered the top player in fantasy baseball and we knew that would happen three years ago. It isn't about luck, it is about knowing players, teams, and understanding how it all goes together.
It is that time of year and if you aren't excited, then you aren't a fantasy baseball player. It is hard for some people to get involved in fantasy baseball because they say it takes too much time and is too long. I will concede that...and that those are the two things that make fantasy baseball great.
Monday, February 9, 2009
What is Wrong With Me...
I know, the answer is a lot, but that is not what I am talking about. My problem, I now like A-Rod more than I did before. Why do I support athletes who are tainted in one way or another. I am a huge Barry Bonds supporter, bigger now than I was earlier in his career. I had a "Free The Juice" t-shirt when OJ was on trial the first time (this last time I just didn't care). My current favorite athlete is Kobe Bryant who was accused of rape (he was innocent, but hey adultery is enough). Just so you know, I had a "Free Kobe" shirt as well. I think that this is a reasonable question for me to ask myself. The answer is pretty obvious to anyone who has known me for a long time, but for those of you who have not known me that long, lets take a look at my sports idols growing up.
Dwight Gooden: When I was young, Dr. K was the best pitcher of the time (John, I already know you are going to argue for Clemens, so bring it on). In 1985 Gooden won 24 games, struck out 268 batters and had a 1.53 ERA, while pitching 16 complete games. This could easily be considerd the greatest pitching season of modern baseball times. In 1986, he was 17-6 and struck out 200. Then in 1987 Gooden tested positive for cocaine and was never the same, though it is important to note that it wasn't until 1992 before Gooden had his first losing season. Gooden again tested positive for cocaine in 1994. Gooden made a comeback with the Yankees later in his career, but since 2002 he has been in and out of prison and rehab.
Darryl Strawberry: Plain and simple, The Strawman was the man. He had one of the prettiest swings in baseball and could hit home runs with the best of them. In 1987, Strawberry hit 39 home runs and stole 36 bases. In 1988, he hit 39 home runs, drove in 101 and in 1990 he hit another 37 home runs and again drove in over 100 runs. (for you younger folks, 30-40 home runs used to be a lot). Then like Gooden, the real troubles began. In 1995, he was suspended from the league for cocaine use. Sadly, he has been involved in domestic abuse cases, drug use, gun charges, and income taxes issues ever since. Strawberry, like Gooden, has also been in and out of jail and rehab.
Earvin "Magic" Johnson: My man Magic is the best point guard to ever play in the NBA. I idolized Magic and wanted to be exactly like him on the basketball court. For his career, Magic averaged, 19.5 points per game, 11.2 assists, and 7.2 rebounds during the regular season. In the playoffs, he averaged 19.5 points, 12.3 assists and 7.7 rebounds. Talk about the picture of consistency and big game performance. On November 7, 1991 Magic announced that he had tested positive for HIV and was retiring from basketball. Simply put, I cried. I remember that we were redoing my bed room and my bed was out in the living room and I was studying for a spelling test when I found out. Magic did make a remarkable comeback, but it didn't last that long. Magic admitted that he had had multiple sexual partners during his career, despite being married to his wife Cookie.
These were the men that I looked up to as a kids. Now I never acted the way the did off the court or field. That is not what I learned from them. I still wish I could have Doc's leg kick and Magic's no look pass. So I think that I like guys like A-Rod, Bonds, and Kobe because I learned that it was okay to root for someone one the field that wasn't the best person off the field. Maybe that isn't what parents should be teaching their kids, but I think that it is okay to respect someone for their talents and to some extent feel sorry for them because of their faults. I don't condone Gooden, Strawberry, of Magics' action, but I still long for the days of watching these guys do their thing.
Dwight Gooden: When I was young, Dr. K was the best pitcher of the time (John, I already know you are going to argue for Clemens, so bring it on). In 1985 Gooden won 24 games, struck out 268 batters and had a 1.53 ERA, while pitching 16 complete games. This could easily be considerd the greatest pitching season of modern baseball times. In 1986, he was 17-6 and struck out 200. Then in 1987 Gooden tested positive for cocaine and was never the same, though it is important to note that it wasn't until 1992 before Gooden had his first losing season. Gooden again tested positive for cocaine in 1994. Gooden made a comeback with the Yankees later in his career, but since 2002 he has been in and out of prison and rehab.
Darryl Strawberry: Plain and simple, The Strawman was the man. He had one of the prettiest swings in baseball and could hit home runs with the best of them. In 1987, Strawberry hit 39 home runs and stole 36 bases. In 1988, he hit 39 home runs, drove in 101 and in 1990 he hit another 37 home runs and again drove in over 100 runs. (for you younger folks, 30-40 home runs used to be a lot). Then like Gooden, the real troubles began. In 1995, he was suspended from the league for cocaine use. Sadly, he has been involved in domestic abuse cases, drug use, gun charges, and income taxes issues ever since. Strawberry, like Gooden, has also been in and out of jail and rehab.
Earvin "Magic" Johnson: My man Magic is the best point guard to ever play in the NBA. I idolized Magic and wanted to be exactly like him on the basketball court. For his career, Magic averaged, 19.5 points per game, 11.2 assists, and 7.2 rebounds during the regular season. In the playoffs, he averaged 19.5 points, 12.3 assists and 7.7 rebounds. Talk about the picture of consistency and big game performance. On November 7, 1991 Magic announced that he had tested positive for HIV and was retiring from basketball. Simply put, I cried. I remember that we were redoing my bed room and my bed was out in the living room and I was studying for a spelling test when I found out. Magic did make a remarkable comeback, but it didn't last that long. Magic admitted that he had had multiple sexual partners during his career, despite being married to his wife Cookie.
These were the men that I looked up to as a kids. Now I never acted the way the did off the court or field. That is not what I learned from them. I still wish I could have Doc's leg kick and Magic's no look pass. So I think that I like guys like A-Rod, Bonds, and Kobe because I learned that it was okay to root for someone one the field that wasn't the best person off the field. Maybe that isn't what parents should be teaching their kids, but I think that it is okay to respect someone for their talents and to some extent feel sorry for them because of their faults. I don't condone Gooden, Strawberry, of Magics' action, but I still long for the days of watching these guys do their thing.
Standing Up for Our State
You know what, I understand the stereotype that people outside of West Virginia have about our wonderful state. I don't like it, and I sometimes I take great offense to it. Recently, I have started watching the show Damages. Glen Close is the star of the show and it is an excellent show. It is well written and well performed, but I have a man sized beef to pick with them.
I am not going to get into great detail about the plot of the show, but for those of you who don't watch it, part of the show takes place in West Virginia. A chemical company is poisoning the water supply in West Virginia and Glen Close's character is a lawyer who is trying to take down the chemical company. The show has gone out of its way to make our state look like a bunch of idiots and now they are making jokes at our expense, for really no reason. The jokes and story lines really don't have anything to do with the main show, except to point out that this chemical company and it's CEO don't care about West Virginia. They told the following joke about West Virginia during the last episode: "Why do birds fly upside down over West Virginia...because there is nothing worth shitting on there." Out of respect for our great state, I won't repeat anymore jokes, but they were simply aimed at reinforcing the awful stereotypes that a lot of people have about our state.
I am torn. I really like this show, but I am somewhat offended by their take on West Virginia. I am not going to stop watching just yet, but if these unnecessary attacks continue, I will give it up. I hope our Governor is watching the show, or has been told about it, because, to his credit, he is done a really good job at stepping up to groups that use these stereotypes about our state. He has been very vocal and outspoken when it comes to the entertainment industry using West Virginia to get a few good laughs and he, and other state agencies, have done a wonderful job in making our state about more than just stupid stereotypes. He took on the movie "The Express" when they showed WVU fans in a poor light, because they said the movie was based on a true story and the part about WVU was fictional and he was successful. So I hope that the Governor, and others, take on this cause as well and that the show gives up this feudal attempt to make our state look bad.
I am not going to get into great detail about the plot of the show, but for those of you who don't watch it, part of the show takes place in West Virginia. A chemical company is poisoning the water supply in West Virginia and Glen Close's character is a lawyer who is trying to take down the chemical company. The show has gone out of its way to make our state look like a bunch of idiots and now they are making jokes at our expense, for really no reason. The jokes and story lines really don't have anything to do with the main show, except to point out that this chemical company and it's CEO don't care about West Virginia. They told the following joke about West Virginia during the last episode: "Why do birds fly upside down over West Virginia...because there is nothing worth shitting on there." Out of respect for our great state, I won't repeat anymore jokes, but they were simply aimed at reinforcing the awful stereotypes that a lot of people have about our state.
I am torn. I really like this show, but I am somewhat offended by their take on West Virginia. I am not going to stop watching just yet, but if these unnecessary attacks continue, I will give it up. I hope our Governor is watching the show, or has been told about it, because, to his credit, he is done a really good job at stepping up to groups that use these stereotypes about our state. He has been very vocal and outspoken when it comes to the entertainment industry using West Virginia to get a few good laughs and he, and other state agencies, have done a wonderful job in making our state about more than just stupid stereotypes. He took on the movie "The Express" when they showed WVU fans in a poor light, because they said the movie was based on a true story and the part about WVU was fictional and he was successful. So I hope that the Governor, and others, take on this cause as well and that the show gives up this feudal attempt to make our state look bad.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Boogity, Boogity, Boogity...Let's Go Racin' Boys
The Bud Shootout is getting ready to start and I am pumped. I know what you are saying, "Sutton, you are a NASCAR fan." I would scream at you "YES." I am part of a large contingent of non-traditional NASCAR fans. NASCAR fans aren't necessarily what you think there are. Go to a race sometime and you will see just as many "white-collar" fans as "blue-collar" fans. I love to watch races on TV and, even more, love to go to races (though I am not camping out ever again, just find me a Hampton Inn). Scott was right in this argument against baseball about how fun NASCAR is to watch, though that doesn't bring it to the level of baseball. I guess my favorite part of NASCAR is watching a guy crash on 35 lap and get all pissed off and then go to the garage and try to figure out a way to bash the guy who wrecked him, while still plugging his sponsors. I am not a crash fan, I like the strategy and skill, but it is fun watching those guys trying to plug their sponsors.
My favorite driver is Jamie McMurray. He is not very good, but we have been over this before and I started rooting for him when I got into NASCAR, so I am still with him. I must note, that I heard a rumor last year that he was mean to kids (and I just can't have that. My favorite players can be drug users, felons and adulterers, but not mean to kids), so I picked a new driver, but I later heard a story about him being nice to kids, so I switched back. I also root for Kevin Harvick, Kyle Busch and Clint Bowyer. I very much dislike Robby Gordon and Michael Waltrip, and much like the Steelers, Dale Jr. fans make it very difficult for me to root for him.
I should also note that my wife hates the fact that I am a NASCAR fan and would really prefer me not to tell anyone. That is probably the reason that she makes me keep that the quarter panel I bought a few years back from McMurray's old car in the garage. That reminds me, if you are at a race and going to an auction, try not to drink too much. Still, it was "for the kids" so I feel great about what I did (it was an auction for a children's charity in North Carolina).
Anyway, you will see me write a number of posts about the NASCAR season over the next several months, as I try to keep McMurray close to Chase contention for as along as I can.
Poor A-Rod...and the rest of us
What can you believe anymore? Now A-Rod has tested positive for roids. I think that among the baseball community it was just a given that A-Rod was clean and that he would break the all-time home run records, currently held by Barry Bonds (though most still give credit to Hank Aaron, but not me). I have never been a big A-Rod fan, though I think he is a heck of a baseball player. Let me point out that I wrote that in the present tense, because I still think that he is a heck of a baseball player. Anyone will tell you that taken roids can make you quicker and stronger, but it can't make you hit a baseball. I think that A-Rod won't be anywhere close to the player he has been because I really don't consider him to be mentally strong, but I hope I am wrong about that.
Don't get me wrong I feel just awful that he, for lack of a better word, cheated. It is disappointing, but there is a silver lining in it for me. The funny thing about this whole thing with roids in baseball is that it centered around Barry Bonds being the biggest cheater in the world. Guess what folks he wasn't alone. Other, and I bet many, hitters were cheating and even pitchers were cheating. Let's now go back to the conversation that talks about Bonds being one of the greatest players of all times. When someone asks me, who the best player of my generation is, I say Barry Bonds.
I am a big Bonds fan, so I wish him well. I think that baseball writers are going to end up looking foolish over all of this by making Bonds out to be such a bad guy, while their darlings Roger Clemens and now A-Rod were probably more guilty then Bonds. Bonds likely will go away free and the writers will still not let him in the Hall of Fame. I hardly recognize the Hall of Fame as it is without Pete Rose, add on to that Mark McGwire and maybe Barry Bonds, and while baseball will still be the best sport ever Scott, I won't be visiting the Hall of Fame anytime soon.
Friday, February 6, 2009
My Odds for the Next Governor of West Virginia
I said I was going to get into some political stuff on this blog, so hear is my first go at it. I read a blog a few weeks ago that gave the odds for individuals being the next Governor of West Virginia. I agreed with some and disagree with some, so I thought I would give my own odds. These are just off the top of my head, not based on any research or conversations. It is real early in this process, so I hope to update it often as candidates come and on. The odds are based on a combination of the odds they run, and the odds they win if they run. Just my thoughts and some logical choices.
First Lady Gayle Manchin--3 to 2: Nobody wants to listen to me when I say this makes perfect sense, so we will just have to wait and see. With a potential field of Democrats that is relatively unknown, he name recognition and favorability make her a logical front runner. Now the timing of the potential run for U.S. Senate that the current Governor Manchin may make, might hinder this chance, but if the two of them run for statewide office at the same time, there is the potential that it might really help them both. The only problem with that scenario would be in the First Lady's ability to raise money. Still, if she wants it, she could be the front runner in this thing
Congresswoman Shelly Moore Capito--3 to 1: A race between Congresswoman Capito and First Lady Manchin would be awesome. Both are well known and could be well funded and it would make for a very interesting campaign. The Congresswoman's defeat of Anne Barth last November makes her an extremely attractive candidate for Governor. She is very strong in the 2nd Congressional District which includes both Kanawha County and the Eastern Panhandle. She would need to do some work in the Southern part of the state, but if her father's network is still strong down there, it might not be as hard as people think. Take First Lady Manchin out of the picture and Congresswoman Capito becomes the obvious choice for our next Governor because I am not sure anyone can beat her.
Speaker of the House Rick Thompson--15 to 1: It is amazing that the odds drop so much from the second candidate to the third, but there just isn't anyone else out there that can make a strong run. Speaker Thompson has strong labor support and has the fundraising ability of being the Speaker of the House. Thompson's problem is the he is relatively unknown, even for the Speaker and he needs to start running soon. He is starting to raise money, but that won't be his problem. His problem will be getting support from the northern and eastern parts of the state. He makes an interesting candidate, but with House members having to run every two years, does he want to take the chance of losing the power he already has. It will be a tough call, but right now, he is probably the top Democratic candidate that anyone is talking about.
Justice Robin Davis--20 to 1: I think this makes a very interesting choice. Justice Davis is always mentioned when it comes to statewide offices and she would make a very good choice is she choice if she decided to run for Governor. Money would not be a problem and Justice Davis would probably be able to work both sides of the legal community in West Virginia, which isn't easy. I am not sure she wouldn't jump at Congresswoman Capito's seat if she ran for Governor, but either way she may be ready to make a move from the Court real soon.
Former Secretary of State Betty Ireland--30 to 1: I know what you are saying, hey Matt, two Republicans in the top five. As hard as it is to believe, Ireland and Capito are probably the two most well known potential candidates, which gives them an early edge. Secretary Ireland has the experience of running statewide, but like all Republicans running statewide, her problem is going to be raising money. Secretary Ireland is a great campaigner though. I remember being out there in 2004 and being impressed with how she worked a room. She knows how to win. The questions is whether she will run. Unlike the Democrats, Republicans don't like to beat each other up in primaries, so her and Congresswoman Capito will have to decide what to do. I have a lot of respect Secretary Ireland's ability to campaign, so that makes her a serious challenge for anyone out there.
Former Speaker of the House Bob Kiss--40 to 1: I don't know if this is just wishful thinking on my part that he would run, but he would make an interesting choice. His odds are at 40 to 1, because I think that his odds of running are about 500 to 1, but if he does run, his chances of winning are good. Unlike current Speaker Thompson, he has pretty good statewide name recognition and he has a strong base of support in Raleigh County and a good base in Kanawha County. He is well liked in the Northern part of the state, but he would have some work to do, as most anyone outside of Congresswoman Capito would have, in the Eastern Panhandle. In my mind he makes the best choice for Governor, but you have to run to win, so this is probably a long shot.
Senator Erik Wells--50 to 1: He is well known and well liked in the Charleston and Clarksburg areas, but his obvious downfall would be his ability to raise money. I am not sure where his money and support would come from in a crowded field, so that makes this choice difficult, but he would be a good candidate if he was given a chance to run unopposed in the primary, which is unlikely, and gain support, name recognition, and money for the general.
Senator Jeff Kessler--75 to 1: Senator Kessler's name keeps coming up for a variety of different statewide seats and he make an attractive candidate. He has everything it takes to make a strong run and his backing by labor and trial lawyers will make is easy to raise money, though not if there is a crowded field. He would be the only really strong choice from the Northern part of the state, so that would give him an advantage, but it is easier for someone from the Southern part of the state to run well up north then vise versa. This would be an interesting candidacy, but he might want to think about running for AG or Supreme Court first.
Treasurer John Perdue--100 to 1: I put Treasurer Perdue on this list because he says he is running, but his odds are not good if he isn't running by himself. Again, it comes down to the ability to raise money and I am just not sure he has that support. He has been a great Treasurer and as the field begins to get larger, he may just decide to stay there.
Other choices that are off the board, but may make there way up there soon:
Carte Goodwin: Serious doubts about him running, but I thought I would throw his name out there, but he makes an extremely, extremely attractive candidate, though he may be a couple cycles away. Keep your eye on this, because if nobody else steps up, the party may turn to him.
Delegate Doug Reynolds: Money matters and Delegate Reynolds has money. Guts matter and Delegate Reynolds has guts. I don't think that he is afraid to lose, but if he is patient and waits his turn, his name is going to come up for a lot of seats over the next several years.
Secretary of State Natalie Tennant: Her name is going to be mentioned, but she would have seriously hard time raising money and I think that she needs to get her feet wet with the SOS position, because she is also going to be in line for a bright future, so she needs to be patient as well.
Senator Clark Barnes: Senator Barnes is a great campaigner and the Republicans seem to want him to do something statewide, so if Congresswoman Capito and Secretary Ireland decide not to run, the party may turn to Barnes.
Senator Mike Green: Senator Green is another young, attractive candidate, but again he needs to be patient and wait. He might me able to put a good run together, while not risking his seat, but he needs to be sure and not make any enemies along the way.
Former West Virginia University President David Hardesty: I have always heard the rumors and now that he is not connected to the University he might make a move. I don't know how serious this would be, but he is well respected and liked around West Virginia, so he would make for a decent candidate.
General Doc Foglesong: I have also heard rumors about this one and he would make an obvious choice. I don't know how likely this would be to happen, but I wanted to get his name out there because he would make a real strong candidate if he throws his hat in there.
First Lady Gayle Manchin--3 to 2: Nobody wants to listen to me when I say this makes perfect sense, so we will just have to wait and see. With a potential field of Democrats that is relatively unknown, he name recognition and favorability make her a logical front runner. Now the timing of the potential run for U.S. Senate that the current Governor Manchin may make, might hinder this chance, but if the two of them run for statewide office at the same time, there is the potential that it might really help them both. The only problem with that scenario would be in the First Lady's ability to raise money. Still, if she wants it, she could be the front runner in this thing
Congresswoman Shelly Moore Capito--3 to 1: A race between Congresswoman Capito and First Lady Manchin would be awesome. Both are well known and could be well funded and it would make for a very interesting campaign. The Congresswoman's defeat of Anne Barth last November makes her an extremely attractive candidate for Governor. She is very strong in the 2nd Congressional District which includes both Kanawha County and the Eastern Panhandle. She would need to do some work in the Southern part of the state, but if her father's network is still strong down there, it might not be as hard as people think. Take First Lady Manchin out of the picture and Congresswoman Capito becomes the obvious choice for our next Governor because I am not sure anyone can beat her.
Speaker of the House Rick Thompson--15 to 1: It is amazing that the odds drop so much from the second candidate to the third, but there just isn't anyone else out there that can make a strong run. Speaker Thompson has strong labor support and has the fundraising ability of being the Speaker of the House. Thompson's problem is the he is relatively unknown, even for the Speaker and he needs to start running soon. He is starting to raise money, but that won't be his problem. His problem will be getting support from the northern and eastern parts of the state. He makes an interesting candidate, but with House members having to run every two years, does he want to take the chance of losing the power he already has. It will be a tough call, but right now, he is probably the top Democratic candidate that anyone is talking about.
Justice Robin Davis--20 to 1: I think this makes a very interesting choice. Justice Davis is always mentioned when it comes to statewide offices and she would make a very good choice is she choice if she decided to run for Governor. Money would not be a problem and Justice Davis would probably be able to work both sides of the legal community in West Virginia, which isn't easy. I am not sure she wouldn't jump at Congresswoman Capito's seat if she ran for Governor, but either way she may be ready to make a move from the Court real soon.
Former Secretary of State Betty Ireland--30 to 1: I know what you are saying, hey Matt, two Republicans in the top five. As hard as it is to believe, Ireland and Capito are probably the two most well known potential candidates, which gives them an early edge. Secretary Ireland has the experience of running statewide, but like all Republicans running statewide, her problem is going to be raising money. Secretary Ireland is a great campaigner though. I remember being out there in 2004 and being impressed with how she worked a room. She knows how to win. The questions is whether she will run. Unlike the Democrats, Republicans don't like to beat each other up in primaries, so her and Congresswoman Capito will have to decide what to do. I have a lot of respect Secretary Ireland's ability to campaign, so that makes her a serious challenge for anyone out there.
Former Speaker of the House Bob Kiss--40 to 1: I don't know if this is just wishful thinking on my part that he would run, but he would make an interesting choice. His odds are at 40 to 1, because I think that his odds of running are about 500 to 1, but if he does run, his chances of winning are good. Unlike current Speaker Thompson, he has pretty good statewide name recognition and he has a strong base of support in Raleigh County and a good base in Kanawha County. He is well liked in the Northern part of the state, but he would have some work to do, as most anyone outside of Congresswoman Capito would have, in the Eastern Panhandle. In my mind he makes the best choice for Governor, but you have to run to win, so this is probably a long shot.
Senator Erik Wells--50 to 1: He is well known and well liked in the Charleston and Clarksburg areas, but his obvious downfall would be his ability to raise money. I am not sure where his money and support would come from in a crowded field, so that makes this choice difficult, but he would be a good candidate if he was given a chance to run unopposed in the primary, which is unlikely, and gain support, name recognition, and money for the general.
Senator Jeff Kessler--75 to 1: Senator Kessler's name keeps coming up for a variety of different statewide seats and he make an attractive candidate. He has everything it takes to make a strong run and his backing by labor and trial lawyers will make is easy to raise money, though not if there is a crowded field. He would be the only really strong choice from the Northern part of the state, so that would give him an advantage, but it is easier for someone from the Southern part of the state to run well up north then vise versa. This would be an interesting candidacy, but he might want to think about running for AG or Supreme Court first.
Treasurer John Perdue--100 to 1: I put Treasurer Perdue on this list because he says he is running, but his odds are not good if he isn't running by himself. Again, it comes down to the ability to raise money and I am just not sure he has that support. He has been a great Treasurer and as the field begins to get larger, he may just decide to stay there.
Other choices that are off the board, but may make there way up there soon:
Carte Goodwin: Serious doubts about him running, but I thought I would throw his name out there, but he makes an extremely, extremely attractive candidate, though he may be a couple cycles away. Keep your eye on this, because if nobody else steps up, the party may turn to him.
Delegate Doug Reynolds: Money matters and Delegate Reynolds has money. Guts matter and Delegate Reynolds has guts. I don't think that he is afraid to lose, but if he is patient and waits his turn, his name is going to come up for a lot of seats over the next several years.
Secretary of State Natalie Tennant: Her name is going to be mentioned, but she would have seriously hard time raising money and I think that she needs to get her feet wet with the SOS position, because she is also going to be in line for a bright future, so she needs to be patient as well.
Senator Clark Barnes: Senator Barnes is a great campaigner and the Republicans seem to want him to do something statewide, so if Congresswoman Capito and Secretary Ireland decide not to run, the party may turn to Barnes.
Senator Mike Green: Senator Green is another young, attractive candidate, but again he needs to be patient and wait. He might me able to put a good run together, while not risking his seat, but he needs to be sure and not make any enemies along the way.
Former West Virginia University President David Hardesty: I have always heard the rumors and now that he is not connected to the University he might make a move. I don't know how serious this would be, but he is well respected and liked around West Virginia, so he would make for a decent candidate.
General Doc Foglesong: I have also heard rumors about this one and he would make an obvious choice. I don't know how likely this would be to happen, but I wanted to get his name out there because he would make a real strong candidate if he throws his hat in there.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Top Ten Comedians
This morning's post made me want to put together a new Top Ten List. Let me say this now though. Everyone has a different comedic sense. What I find funny, you may not find funny. Therefore, list this is not meant to be etched in stone (like the Bill Murray list), but it is meant to start a conversation. I may forget someone, or put someone in the wrong place in your opinion, so please feel free to say so. Okay, here is my Top Ten List of Comedians, along with my favorite album from each.
10. Jerry Seinfeld: I'm Telling You for the Last Time
9. Bill Cosby: Himself
8. Eddie Murphy: Raw
7. Dennis Leary: No Cure for Cancer
6. Robin Williams: Live on Broadway
5. Rodney Dangerfield: No Respect
4. Redd Foxx: Uncensored
3. Sam Kinison: Live From Hell
2. Richard Pryor: Wanted, Live in Concert
1. George Carlin: Back in Town
Let me know what you think
The Funniest Person Alive (God Rest His Soul)
Every now and then I have a conversation where someone says, "hey, who do you think the funniest person alive is?" Until June 22, 2008, I was able to simply look up, smile, and say "George Carlin of course." Carlin was the best. His style of comedy was unmatched by anyone who took the stage. He was a thinking man's comedian. His use of language was unparalleled by anyone who came before him or after him. I enjoy nothing more then sitting back in my car during a long drive and popping in a Carlin cd or staying up late when my wife is out of town and putting in "Jammin' In New York" and simply laughing my ass off. It is sad to think that we won't have any new material from Carlin to laugh at, but the man left us over 40 years of material to remember him by and that is enough for me.
Last night on PBS there was a special from the Kennedy Center honoring Carlin, which featured Dennis Leary, Jon Stewart, Lewis Black, Lilly Tomblin, Joan Rivers, Bill Maher and others. It was a wonderful show that featured highlights of Carlin's career as well as stories from the people who knew him best. It got me thinking though, now that Carlin has passed, who is the funniest person alive. Let me start this conversation by saying that this title (in my mind) is given to stand up comics. This takes out the likes of Steven Colbert, Steve Carell, Jon Stewart (I know he does stand up, but not much anymore), and other that some of you might consider the funniest person alive. I find those individuals extremely funny and Stewart and Colbert are two of my favorite personalities, but these are tv shows with scripts and takes. It doesn't make it any easier, but I prefer to stay with stand up comics.
To get the conversation started, I went to my cd collection and didn't really come up with anything. A bunch of funny people, but a lot of dead comics. In there were performances by Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, Rodney Dangerfield, and Sam Kinison. Some of the funniest people ever, but I needed to move on. So I moved on to Eddie Murphy, but lets all be real, Eddie is a long way removed from Raw and he just isn't the same guy. Jerry Seinfeld crossed my mind, but no offensive to Seinfeld, who I find extremely funny, but he is pretty commercial anymore. I also had thoughts of Steve Martin, but while is one of the top five funniest people ever, he just doesn't do too much anymore. Martin Lawrence was a very funny guy in his prime, but that has passed. Lily Tomlin certainly deserves consideration, but she really doesn't do much anymore. Bill Cosby has changed his tone over the last several years and while Himself was one of the top show ever, Cosby just isn't that guy anymore.
So I moved on to the new generation of comedians. I thought about the likes of Chris Rock, who a lot of people find really funny, but I just don't. Maybe Adam Sandler could get into the conversation, but I don't think so. Dave Chappelle, certainly merits thought, but he is pretty one dimensional. Katt Williams and Dane Cook are two new guys that are pretty funny, but they haven't been around long enough yet. A really funny new comedian that you may not have heard of yet is Demetri Martin, but again he is young, so lets wait and see if he has staying power. Maybe Jeff Foxworthy or Ron White could get into the conversation, but I hate to keep calling people one dimensional, but these two are. They are funny, but they will only be funny to a certain audience, others just won't understand it. Could the likes of Will Ferrell get thrown into the conversation. Sure, but he is really a slap stick comedian. He is very funny don't get me wrong, but not that well rounded. I don't mean any disrespect to these people, if I didn't find them to be part of the funniest people alive, I wouldn't have even mentioned them. All of these people are funny, but they don't bring to the stage what Carlin brought to the stage, so I just can't put them in the same category.
So that leaves me with only a few people to consider. First is Lewis Black. Black is extremely funny and thoughtful in his comedy. My concern for calling Black being called the funniest person alive is that he is a modern day Sam Kinison and he sometimes has a problem reusing materials. Very funny guy, but not the funniest. Next I turned to Denis Leary. Now Leary doesn't do much stand up anymore, but when he does, his stuff is genius. He is original, thoughtful, insightful, and most importantly outrageously funny. But he has moved on to other things and his stand up act doesn't really exist anymore. He is close, but not quite what I am looking for.
Now I just have one name left to turn to and that is Robin Williams. Some of you may think of Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtire, but the man is a stand up god. An Evening with Robin Williams is one of the funniest records ever and Robin Williams LIVE will make you you hurt for two days after you watch it because you laugh so hard. Williams' stand up is raw and sometimes dirty, not the same guy you see in the movies. If you need a good laugh, go to YouTube and watch Williams on Inside the Actors Studio. His improve is the stuff legends are made of and he is a legend. So is it Robin Williams? He is the funniest person alive? Maybe, I don't know. I can't be for sure. I have ran through a lot of comics and just haven't found what I am looking for.
So here I am. How would I respond today if someone asks me, "who is the funniest person alive?" I will simply look up, smile and respond "George Carlin, God rest his soul."
Last night on PBS there was a special from the Kennedy Center honoring Carlin, which featured Dennis Leary, Jon Stewart, Lewis Black, Lilly Tomblin, Joan Rivers, Bill Maher and others. It was a wonderful show that featured highlights of Carlin's career as well as stories from the people who knew him best. It got me thinking though, now that Carlin has passed, who is the funniest person alive. Let me start this conversation by saying that this title (in my mind) is given to stand up comics. This takes out the likes of Steven Colbert, Steve Carell, Jon Stewart (I know he does stand up, but not much anymore), and other that some of you might consider the funniest person alive. I find those individuals extremely funny and Stewart and Colbert are two of my favorite personalities, but these are tv shows with scripts and takes. It doesn't make it any easier, but I prefer to stay with stand up comics.
To get the conversation started, I went to my cd collection and didn't really come up with anything. A bunch of funny people, but a lot of dead comics. In there were performances by Richard Pryor, Redd Foxx, Rodney Dangerfield, and Sam Kinison. Some of the funniest people ever, but I needed to move on. So I moved on to Eddie Murphy, but lets all be real, Eddie is a long way removed from Raw and he just isn't the same guy. Jerry Seinfeld crossed my mind, but no offensive to Seinfeld, who I find extremely funny, but he is pretty commercial anymore. I also had thoughts of Steve Martin, but while is one of the top five funniest people ever, he just doesn't do too much anymore. Martin Lawrence was a very funny guy in his prime, but that has passed. Lily Tomlin certainly deserves consideration, but she really doesn't do much anymore. Bill Cosby has changed his tone over the last several years and while Himself was one of the top show ever, Cosby just isn't that guy anymore.
So I moved on to the new generation of comedians. I thought about the likes of Chris Rock, who a lot of people find really funny, but I just don't. Maybe Adam Sandler could get into the conversation, but I don't think so. Dave Chappelle, certainly merits thought, but he is pretty one dimensional. Katt Williams and Dane Cook are two new guys that are pretty funny, but they haven't been around long enough yet. A really funny new comedian that you may not have heard of yet is Demetri Martin, but again he is young, so lets wait and see if he has staying power. Maybe Jeff Foxworthy or Ron White could get into the conversation, but I hate to keep calling people one dimensional, but these two are. They are funny, but they will only be funny to a certain audience, others just won't understand it. Could the likes of Will Ferrell get thrown into the conversation. Sure, but he is really a slap stick comedian. He is very funny don't get me wrong, but not that well rounded. I don't mean any disrespect to these people, if I didn't find them to be part of the funniest people alive, I wouldn't have even mentioned them. All of these people are funny, but they don't bring to the stage what Carlin brought to the stage, so I just can't put them in the same category.
So that leaves me with only a few people to consider. First is Lewis Black. Black is extremely funny and thoughtful in his comedy. My concern for calling Black being called the funniest person alive is that he is a modern day Sam Kinison and he sometimes has a problem reusing materials. Very funny guy, but not the funniest. Next I turned to Denis Leary. Now Leary doesn't do much stand up anymore, but when he does, his stuff is genius. He is original, thoughtful, insightful, and most importantly outrageously funny. But he has moved on to other things and his stand up act doesn't really exist anymore. He is close, but not quite what I am looking for.
Now I just have one name left to turn to and that is Robin Williams. Some of you may think of Robin Williams as Mrs. Doubtire, but the man is a stand up god. An Evening with Robin Williams is one of the funniest records ever and Robin Williams LIVE will make you you hurt for two days after you watch it because you laugh so hard. Williams' stand up is raw and sometimes dirty, not the same guy you see in the movies. If you need a good laugh, go to YouTube and watch Williams on Inside the Actors Studio. His improve is the stuff legends are made of and he is a legend. So is it Robin Williams? He is the funniest person alive? Maybe, I don't know. I can't be for sure. I have ran through a lot of comics and just haven't found what I am looking for.
So here I am. How would I respond today if someone asks me, "who is the funniest person alive?" I will simply look up, smile and respond "George Carlin, God rest his soul."
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Best Sport
Be warned, this is a long post, but maybe the most important I have posted.
This is a conversation that I never thought I would have. It just never crossed my mind that anyone could not agree with me on this. I am an adult and I realize, and respect, that there are a variety of opinions out there in the world, most of which don't mesh with my opinions. That is fine. Matter of fact, that is great and that is what makes life so fun. If everyone agreed, then why would there be a need for all of us.
Anyway, I don't really even remember how this argument got started yesterday, but the question came up about which sport is the best sport. Believing that everyone thought the same, I simply made the statement that baseball was the best sport and Scott exploded and demanded that I write a blog explaining why baseball was the best sport and that he would provide a rebuttal. Truthfully, I find it hard to even come up with reasons because there are so many and I have never had to think about why baseball was the best before. I want to use the response "because it is", but I thought I would make a reasonable argument so and allow everyone to respond. I have also offered to post Scott's rebuttal inside this post for everyone to see. I will start with Scott's argument, followed by my own.
Scott's Argument
Before I get a bunch (or maybe one since I think it is only Jim Reader and I who read this blog) of angry e-mails telling me I am un-American for not believing that baseball is the greatest sport in the world please understand that I do enjoy the game… sometimes. I played little league and senior league baseball growing up and even made the all-star team (just in case some of you jerks think I don’t like the sport because I wasn’t any good). I even spent many summers at Watt Powell Park cheering on the Wheelers and then the Alley Cats while growing up in Charleston. But something around my sophomore or junior year of high school made me realize I have better things to do with my time than sit around and watch nine guys stand for the most part motionless in the field while one guy stands around at the plate. In this blog entry I will not even begin to argue the need for a salary cap in baseball or the fact that not having one makes 95 percent of all games played every year meaningless. Instead I will look at the other factors that make the sport a snooze fest.
There is no doubt that there are tens of thousands of hardcore baseball fans across this country such as Mr. Matthew Luke Sutton. They enjoy going to the games and keeping score and tracking every pitch. However, to rest of America baseball is boring. It is slow and lacks the fast pace of other professional sports such as a football and basketball. And as for watching baseball on television, those who can watch an entire game without dozing off are very special people. Working at the library is more exciting than sitting down for a three and a half hour midseason showdown between Marlins and Brewers. Just typing that made me sleepy.
We live in a time of constant stimulation, be it on computers, video games, television, etc. There are literally thousands of options for the average American to spend his or her time. Many, including myself, choose to spend many hours every year watching and attending sporting events. According to the Pew Research Center 46 percent of all adults and 47 percent of males consider themselves very or somewhat interested in sports. That’s great, but what does the research show for which sports are most popular you may ask? Well, according to Pew 34 percent of all adults follow football, 14 percent follow basketball and a whopping 13 percent are interested in “America’s Pastime.” That only beats out soccer, auto racing, golf, tennis, ice hockey and figure skating. This takes me back to my point: baseball just isn’t interesting to the average American (ie. Joe the Plumber).
I will not argue the fact that millions flock to at least one major league baseball game a season, me included. But that is mainly because of the amount of opportunities Americans get to see a baseball game. Let’s do the math, which I am admittedly not very good at. There are 30 teams in major league baseball today and each play a staggering and cumbersome 162-game schedule. That is 81 opportunities every summer to see the baseball team nearest you play at home or 2,430 games every season across the country. Too many games waters down the product and thus makes the majority of games every year boring. I still get a laugh when Sports Center catches a sleeping baseball fan at a handful of those games every year. And those are just the unlucky few who got caught.
I understand that there isn’t much going on in professional sports from about June through August. You are probably asking yourself what you are supposed to do during those 90 days to keep from suffering sports withdrawal. My answer is simple: do what I did two years ago and take up watching NASCAR. Twice the strategy, more than 100 times the movement and most importantly 1,000 times the excitement as baseball. I promise you if you give up four Sundays this spring or summer to watching NASCAR you will never again wonder who won the first game of a weekend doubleheader between the Orioles and Royals.
Sutton Argument:
I want to start off my argument from a fan's prospective. First, baseball is in the summer when there is nice weather and you want to be outside. George Carlin stated, when comparing football and baseball, "Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything is dying." I am not going to spend my time knocking any other sport. Football, basketball, NASCAR, hockey, etc are all fine sports that I spend a great deal of time following, but not like baseball.
Anyway, back to my fan based argument. A baseball game is more like a big open bar then a sporting event. I remember a quote I read one time from Humphry Bogart about being at a baseball game. He said, "A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." It is the most enjoyable sporting event to attend. Ernie Harwell, in his book, "The Game for All America, stated, "Baseball? It's just a game--as simple as a ball and a bat. Yet, as complex as the American spirit it symbolized. It's a sport, business--and sometimes even a religion." Carlin described a baseball game with the following, "In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness." For those of you who may argue that football is the most enjoyable sport to attend, let me remind you of how Carlin describe a football game, "In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being." It is just a nice comparison. Walt Whitman told people that "I see great things in baseball. It's our game--the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us." In trying to remember the exact words from Bogart's quote, I came across another quote that he gave that I will use to summarize a fan's experience at a baseball game. He said, "Y'know, you take your worries to the game, and you leave'em there. You yell like crazy for your guys. It's good for your lungs, gives you a lift and nobody calls the cops. Pretty girls, lots of 'em."
The science of the game is another reason that baseball is far superior to other sports. Ask anyone professional athlete in the world what the hardest thing in sports to do is and they will say 'hit a baseball.' In 2005, USA Today ranked the 10 Hardest Things to do in Sports and "Hitting a baseball" was number one. The rationale stated, "considering that a major-league pitch can reach speeds more than 95 mph, hitters have only 0.4 seconds to find the ball, decide where the ball is going and swing the bat." Joe Schultz was a player in the early to mid 1900. He described the difficulties in baseball by saying, "Well, boys, its a round ball and a round bat and you got to hit the ball square." Wes Westrum, a former player and coach, said, "Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Mickey Mantle gave a wonderful quote that in essence summarizes the toughness of baseball. Mantle said, "During my 18 years I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out about 1,700 times and walked maybe 1,800 times. You figure a ballplayer will average about 500 at basts a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball."
One of the main arguments for baseball being the best sport ever is that it is truly a mental game. Baseball players don't have to be smart, but more so than any other sport, they have to be mentally tough. The great part about baseball is that it is full of situations. It is full of moments that define the sport. There are people say that baseball games are long and boring. They say it because they don't understand baseball. One error by the second baseman can turn a season from great to horrible. Red Barber, a former baseball broadcaster, put it this way, "Baseball is dull only to dull minds." Gabe Paul, who has been a general manager for several baseball teams, describe baseball with the following quote, "The great thing about baseball is that there's a crisis every day." Leo Durocher summed up the intensity of baseball with the following, "What are we at the park for except to win? I'd trip my mother. I'd help her up, brush her off, tell her I'm sorry. But mother don't make it to third."
My final point on this blog about the greatness of baseball is that inspires people, frankly it is a game for everyone. It is something that people can't do without. Stan Isaacs, once wrote about baseball in a Newday column. He wrote, "I do love the baseball that is in the heads of baseball fans. I love the dreams of glory of 10-year-olds, the reminiscences of the 70 year olds." Rogers Hornsby said, "People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Ted Williams once said, "Baseball gives every American boy a chance to excel, not just to be as good as someone else but to be better than someone else. This is the nature of man and the name of the game." Al Gallagher, a former player, described his love for baseball by saying, "There are three things in my life which I really love: God, my family, and baseball. The only problem--once baseball season starts, I change the order around a bit." Chuck Tanner, a former player and manager, summed up his love for baseball by stating, "The greatest feeling in the world is to win a major league game. The second greatest feeling is to lose a major league game." A former sports journalist, Red Smith, claimed that "Ninety feet between home plate and first base may be the closest man have ever come to perfection." I sum up this argument with a wonderful quote from Herbert Paper, a noted historian, who said, "It is well to remember that a Martian observing his first baseball game would be quite correct in concluding that the last two words of the National Anthem are: PLAY BALL!"
I simply could go on and on, but if you know sports and love sports, then I don't need to go on, because you already know what I am talking about. Does baseball have some flaws, sure, but that is what makes it great. That despite some of it flaws, like the D.H., it is still the greatest game on earth, because it overcomes those flaws.
I have used a lot of quotes from others to support my argument for baseball. I did it because everything great about baseball has already been said and it supports those inherent believes that most of us already have. So I want to leave you with a quote to summarize my argument about the difference between baseball and the other sports. Bryant Gumbel summarized baseball in ten simple words,
"The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love."
We both would love to hear what you all think so let the comments fly.
This is a conversation that I never thought I would have. It just never crossed my mind that anyone could not agree with me on this. I am an adult and I realize, and respect, that there are a variety of opinions out there in the world, most of which don't mesh with my opinions. That is fine. Matter of fact, that is great and that is what makes life so fun. If everyone agreed, then why would there be a need for all of us.
Anyway, I don't really even remember how this argument got started yesterday, but the question came up about which sport is the best sport. Believing that everyone thought the same, I simply made the statement that baseball was the best sport and Scott exploded and demanded that I write a blog explaining why baseball was the best sport and that he would provide a rebuttal. Truthfully, I find it hard to even come up with reasons because there are so many and I have never had to think about why baseball was the best before. I want to use the response "because it is", but I thought I would make a reasonable argument so and allow everyone to respond. I have also offered to post Scott's rebuttal inside this post for everyone to see. I will start with Scott's argument, followed by my own.
Scott's Argument
Before I get a bunch (or maybe one since I think it is only Jim Reader and I who read this blog) of angry e-mails telling me I am un-American for not believing that baseball is the greatest sport in the world please understand that I do enjoy the game… sometimes. I played little league and senior league baseball growing up and even made the all-star team (just in case some of you jerks think I don’t like the sport because I wasn’t any good). I even spent many summers at Watt Powell Park cheering on the Wheelers and then the Alley Cats while growing up in Charleston. But something around my sophomore or junior year of high school made me realize I have better things to do with my time than sit around and watch nine guys stand for the most part motionless in the field while one guy stands around at the plate. In this blog entry I will not even begin to argue the need for a salary cap in baseball or the fact that not having one makes 95 percent of all games played every year meaningless. Instead I will look at the other factors that make the sport a snooze fest.
There is no doubt that there are tens of thousands of hardcore baseball fans across this country such as Mr. Matthew Luke Sutton. They enjoy going to the games and keeping score and tracking every pitch. However, to rest of America baseball is boring. It is slow and lacks the fast pace of other professional sports such as a football and basketball. And as for watching baseball on television, those who can watch an entire game without dozing off are very special people. Working at the library is more exciting than sitting down for a three and a half hour midseason showdown between Marlins and Brewers. Just typing that made me sleepy.
We live in a time of constant stimulation, be it on computers, video games, television, etc. There are literally thousands of options for the average American to spend his or her time. Many, including myself, choose to spend many hours every year watching and attending sporting events. According to the Pew Research Center 46 percent of all adults and 47 percent of males consider themselves very or somewhat interested in sports. That’s great, but what does the research show for which sports are most popular you may ask? Well, according to Pew 34 percent of all adults follow football, 14 percent follow basketball and a whopping 13 percent are interested in “America’s Pastime.” That only beats out soccer, auto racing, golf, tennis, ice hockey and figure skating. This takes me back to my point: baseball just isn’t interesting to the average American (ie. Joe the Plumber).
I will not argue the fact that millions flock to at least one major league baseball game a season, me included. But that is mainly because of the amount of opportunities Americans get to see a baseball game. Let’s do the math, which I am admittedly not very good at. There are 30 teams in major league baseball today and each play a staggering and cumbersome 162-game schedule. That is 81 opportunities every summer to see the baseball team nearest you play at home or 2,430 games every season across the country. Too many games waters down the product and thus makes the majority of games every year boring. I still get a laugh when Sports Center catches a sleeping baseball fan at a handful of those games every year. And those are just the unlucky few who got caught.
I understand that there isn’t much going on in professional sports from about June through August. You are probably asking yourself what you are supposed to do during those 90 days to keep from suffering sports withdrawal. My answer is simple: do what I did two years ago and take up watching NASCAR. Twice the strategy, more than 100 times the movement and most importantly 1,000 times the excitement as baseball. I promise you if you give up four Sundays this spring or summer to watching NASCAR you will never again wonder who won the first game of a weekend doubleheader between the Orioles and Royals.
Sutton Argument:
I want to start off my argument from a fan's prospective. First, baseball is in the summer when there is nice weather and you want to be outside. George Carlin stated, when comparing football and baseball, "Baseball begins in the spring, the season of new life. Football begins in the fall, when everything is dying." I am not going to spend my time knocking any other sport. Football, basketball, NASCAR, hockey, etc are all fine sports that I spend a great deal of time following, but not like baseball.
Anyway, back to my fan based argument. A baseball game is more like a big open bar then a sporting event. I remember a quote I read one time from Humphry Bogart about being at a baseball game. He said, "A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at the Ritz." It is the most enjoyable sporting event to attend. Ernie Harwell, in his book, "The Game for All America, stated, "Baseball? It's just a game--as simple as a ball and a bat. Yet, as complex as the American spirit it symbolized. It's a sport, business--and sometimes even a religion." Carlin described a baseball game with the following, "In baseball, during the game, in the stands, there's kind of a picnic feeling; emotions may run high or low, but there's not too much unpleasantness." For those of you who may argue that football is the most enjoyable sport to attend, let me remind you of how Carlin describe a football game, "In football, during the game in the stands, you can be sure that at least twenty-seven times you're capable of taking the life of a fellow human being." It is just a nice comparison. Walt Whitman told people that "I see great things in baseball. It's our game--the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us." In trying to remember the exact words from Bogart's quote, I came across another quote that he gave that I will use to summarize a fan's experience at a baseball game. He said, "Y'know, you take your worries to the game, and you leave'em there. You yell like crazy for your guys. It's good for your lungs, gives you a lift and nobody calls the cops. Pretty girls, lots of 'em."
The science of the game is another reason that baseball is far superior to other sports. Ask anyone professional athlete in the world what the hardest thing in sports to do is and they will say 'hit a baseball.' In 2005, USA Today ranked the 10 Hardest Things to do in Sports and "Hitting a baseball" was number one. The rationale stated, "considering that a major-league pitch can reach speeds more than 95 mph, hitters have only 0.4 seconds to find the ball, decide where the ball is going and swing the bat." Joe Schultz was a player in the early to mid 1900. He described the difficulties in baseball by saying, "Well, boys, its a round ball and a round bat and you got to hit the ball square." Wes Westrum, a former player and coach, said, "Baseball is like church. Many attend but few understand." Mickey Mantle gave a wonderful quote that in essence summarizes the toughness of baseball. Mantle said, "During my 18 years I came to bat almost 10,000 times. I struck out about 1,700 times and walked maybe 1,800 times. You figure a ballplayer will average about 500 at basts a season. That means I played seven years without ever hitting the ball."
One of the main arguments for baseball being the best sport ever is that it is truly a mental game. Baseball players don't have to be smart, but more so than any other sport, they have to be mentally tough. The great part about baseball is that it is full of situations. It is full of moments that define the sport. There are people say that baseball games are long and boring. They say it because they don't understand baseball. One error by the second baseman can turn a season from great to horrible. Red Barber, a former baseball broadcaster, put it this way, "Baseball is dull only to dull minds." Gabe Paul, who has been a general manager for several baseball teams, describe baseball with the following quote, "The great thing about baseball is that there's a crisis every day." Leo Durocher summed up the intensity of baseball with the following, "What are we at the park for except to win? I'd trip my mother. I'd help her up, brush her off, tell her I'm sorry. But mother don't make it to third."
My final point on this blog about the greatness of baseball is that inspires people, frankly it is a game for everyone. It is something that people can't do without. Stan Isaacs, once wrote about baseball in a Newday column. He wrote, "I do love the baseball that is in the heads of baseball fans. I love the dreams of glory of 10-year-olds, the reminiscences of the 70 year olds." Rogers Hornsby said, "People ask me what I do in the winter when there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window and wait for spring." Ted Williams once said, "Baseball gives every American boy a chance to excel, not just to be as good as someone else but to be better than someone else. This is the nature of man and the name of the game." Al Gallagher, a former player, described his love for baseball by saying, "There are three things in my life which I really love: God, my family, and baseball. The only problem--once baseball season starts, I change the order around a bit." Chuck Tanner, a former player and manager, summed up his love for baseball by stating, "The greatest feeling in the world is to win a major league game. The second greatest feeling is to lose a major league game." A former sports journalist, Red Smith, claimed that "Ninety feet between home plate and first base may be the closest man have ever come to perfection." I sum up this argument with a wonderful quote from Herbert Paper, a noted historian, who said, "It is well to remember that a Martian observing his first baseball game would be quite correct in concluding that the last two words of the National Anthem are: PLAY BALL!"
I simply could go on and on, but if you know sports and love sports, then I don't need to go on, because you already know what I am talking about. Does baseball have some flaws, sure, but that is what makes it great. That despite some of it flaws, like the D.H., it is still the greatest game on earth, because it overcomes those flaws.
I have used a lot of quotes from others to support my argument for baseball. I did it because everything great about baseball has already been said and it supports those inherent believes that most of us already have. So I want to leave you with a quote to summarize my argument about the difference between baseball and the other sports. Bryant Gumbel summarized baseball in ten simple words,
"The other sports are just sports. Baseball is a love."
We both would love to hear what you all think so let the comments fly.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Lesson for the Day
Some days there are lesson that you learn that make a difference in your life. Today's lesson:
Pay your taxes...you never know when you might be nominated for a Cabinet position.
Pay your taxes...you never know when you might be nominated for a Cabinet position.
Grown Men Crying
I am man enough to admit that I have cried before. Several time, for a variety of reasons, and it is really nothing to be ashamed of. But I have been asked to give my thoughts about Roger Federer breaking down and crying after losing the Australian Open, so here they are.
I have to start off by saying that I am a big Federer fan, like I stated in a pervious blog. I have the utmost respect for someone who is "that good" and other than Tiger Woods and maybe Michael Jordon, no one is "that good" at their sport as Federer is at tennis. Federer is still close to the top of his game, but Nadal has simply caught up with him and Federer is slipping a little bit. Federer could be, and should be, considered the best tennis player of all time, so it has to be hard for him to realize that he is not the best in the current game anymore. He is 27 years old and he has already reached the peak of his career. I think that this is what was going through his mind when he broke down after the Open. He is the best ever, he is one Slam away from Sampras's record and he is not the best player in the world anymore. These thoughts simply were too much for someone who is "that good." I think he will get the record for Slams before it is all said and done, but he played as hard as he could in the Open and he lost, this is not a normal day on the court of Federer. He hardly ever has had to play as hard as he can and when he does, he rarely loses. So that is the rationale I give for Federer breaking down and crying.
All the being said, I was dissapointed in him. When you lose you should be pissed off, angry, and thinking about revenge. Was Federer really thinking that this was it for him? Maybe he truly believes that he can't possible do any better, but breaking down and crying, come on man. You got beat, suck it up, show respect for Nadal and move on to the next tournment. Cry in the locker room, cry at home, cry where ever else you want, but not there.
First off, this was Nadal's moment. I am not a huge Nadal fan, but man that guy can play tennis, and I respect that and I love watching him play. Let Nadal enjoy his moment and show the man some respect. Say you got bested by him and that the better man won on that day. You don't have to mean it, but you have to say it and more important, show it. Secondly, you are a professional tennis player. I can understand how much heart, soul, and energy is put into these matches and into their profession in general, but nobody died and nobody got hurt. I understand that it is upsetting to lose when you played your hardest, but come on, act like a professional, move on, and vow to get him next time.
This incident doesn't change the way I feel about Federer. I will still root for him and I still consider him the best ever. I won't look at him differently now and say 'man that guy cried on national television.' It is not the act of crying that bothers me, there is nothing wrong with crying, it is the location and situation that troubles me. Like Tom Hanks said, "There's no crying in baseball." He didn't say that there is no crying, there is just no crying on the field. And folks, he wasn't just referring to baseball.
I have to start off by saying that I am a big Federer fan, like I stated in a pervious blog. I have the utmost respect for someone who is "that good" and other than Tiger Woods and maybe Michael Jordon, no one is "that good" at their sport as Federer is at tennis. Federer is still close to the top of his game, but Nadal has simply caught up with him and Federer is slipping a little bit. Federer could be, and should be, considered the best tennis player of all time, so it has to be hard for him to realize that he is not the best in the current game anymore. He is 27 years old and he has already reached the peak of his career. I think that this is what was going through his mind when he broke down after the Open. He is the best ever, he is one Slam away from Sampras's record and he is not the best player in the world anymore. These thoughts simply were too much for someone who is "that good." I think he will get the record for Slams before it is all said and done, but he played as hard as he could in the Open and he lost, this is not a normal day on the court of Federer. He hardly ever has had to play as hard as he can and when he does, he rarely loses. So that is the rationale I give for Federer breaking down and crying.
All the being said, I was dissapointed in him. When you lose you should be pissed off, angry, and thinking about revenge. Was Federer really thinking that this was it for him? Maybe he truly believes that he can't possible do any better, but breaking down and crying, come on man. You got beat, suck it up, show respect for Nadal and move on to the next tournment. Cry in the locker room, cry at home, cry where ever else you want, but not there.
First off, this was Nadal's moment. I am not a huge Nadal fan, but man that guy can play tennis, and I respect that and I love watching him play. Let Nadal enjoy his moment and show the man some respect. Say you got bested by him and that the better man won on that day. You don't have to mean it, but you have to say it and more important, show it. Secondly, you are a professional tennis player. I can understand how much heart, soul, and energy is put into these matches and into their profession in general, but nobody died and nobody got hurt. I understand that it is upsetting to lose when you played your hardest, but come on, act like a professional, move on, and vow to get him next time.
This incident doesn't change the way I feel about Federer. I will still root for him and I still consider him the best ever. I won't look at him differently now and say 'man that guy cried on national television.' It is not the act of crying that bothers me, there is nothing wrong with crying, it is the location and situation that troubles me. Like Tom Hanks said, "There's no crying in baseball." He didn't say that there is no crying, there is just no crying on the field. And folks, he wasn't just referring to baseball.
Sad Day
I am a reasonable person I know that something bad happening to your favorite sports team isn't a major blow in life. Following a team is something to do and give you a reason to watch games. Now I do it well and I 100% committed to my teams (Mets, Redskins, Lakers, WVU). I wouldn't even know how to think about switching favorite teams and I have a problem with people who do just that. You follow the team, not a certain player. You can have a certain player that is your favorite and follow them if they move to another team, but your favorite team doesn't change.
Anyway, I was awfully sad to see that Andrew Bynum is going to be out for the next 8-12. It almost made me sick to my stomach. It isn't because I don't think the Lakers can win without him, because they can and they will (enter Kobe Bryant's 61 points last night against the Knicks), but I feel horrible for Bynum.
Bynum was a risky draft pick for the Lakers in 2005. He was only 17 years old and really needed some work. Bynum struggled his first couple seasons in the NBA, but last year it just clicked. Bynum was playing at an All-Star level last year and then he loses the season to an injury in his left knee and the Lakers went on to lose in the NBA Finals because they just couldn't get tough inside. This year Bynum was again starting to play at an All-Star level and he hurts his right knee and now he is pretty much out for another year. I just feel awful for this kid. He has increased his level so much over the last couple of years and he is quickly becoming one of the best centers in the game, but he just can't catch a break.
The Lakers will be fine. I have the utmost convidence in Kobe Bryant's ability to lead this team to the Finals again this year and pull it out. He is the best player in the game (please don't try to argue that with me) and he was matured greatly over the last few years to become a team leader and he knows how to get these guys to play. Hopefully they can find a big man to bang around down there for the rest of the season, but if not, and the rest of the team can stay healthy, they will be fine. Bynum will also be fine. He is young and will bounce back, but you simply can help feeling sorry for a young man who seems to be doing everything right, on and off the court, and who has to sit and watch his team play everything night for the rest of the season through no fault of his own.
Anyway, I was awfully sad to see that Andrew Bynum is going to be out for the next 8-12. It almost made me sick to my stomach. It isn't because I don't think the Lakers can win without him, because they can and they will (enter Kobe Bryant's 61 points last night against the Knicks), but I feel horrible for Bynum.
Bynum was a risky draft pick for the Lakers in 2005. He was only 17 years old and really needed some work. Bynum struggled his first couple seasons in the NBA, but last year it just clicked. Bynum was playing at an All-Star level last year and then he loses the season to an injury in his left knee and the Lakers went on to lose in the NBA Finals because they just couldn't get tough inside. This year Bynum was again starting to play at an All-Star level and he hurts his right knee and now he is pretty much out for another year. I just feel awful for this kid. He has increased his level so much over the last couple of years and he is quickly becoming one of the best centers in the game, but he just can't catch a break.
The Lakers will be fine. I have the utmost convidence in Kobe Bryant's ability to lead this team to the Finals again this year and pull it out. He is the best player in the game (please don't try to argue that with me) and he was matured greatly over the last few years to become a team leader and he knows how to get these guys to play. Hopefully they can find a big man to bang around down there for the rest of the season, but if not, and the rest of the team can stay healthy, they will be fine. Bynum will also be fine. He is young and will bounce back, but you simply can help feeling sorry for a young man who seems to be doing everything right, on and off the court, and who has to sit and watch his team play everything night for the rest of the season through no fault of his own.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Groundhog Day
In honor of Groundhog Day, I thought I would honor a man that never gets honored enough...Bill Murray. While Groundhog Day was a really funny movie and is pretty underrated, I have spent the day trying to figure out where it falls on the list of Murray's all time greatest movies (by the way, I do work and pretty hard, but I can think about more than one thing at a time). There is probably room for discussion about the list, but not room for discussion about Bill Murray being one of the top five funniest actors ever. I should note, that even though movies like Lost in Translation, The Royal Tenenbaums, and Broken Flowers are great, they are not classic Murray so they are not included on my list.
Here is my list (my first Top 10 list, take that Hot Clicks). Please comment, complain, agree, or protest if you like.
10. Groundhog Day (this role was made for Murray. "Yeah Rita, there hicks"...great line)
9. Meatballs (Classic for any teenage boy to see)
8. Stripes (Impossible to put Murray, Harold Ramis, and John Candy in a movie and it not be great)
7. Coffee & Cirgarettees (You may not have heard of it, but you should see it. Limited role for Murray, but great movie...classic Murray)
6. Little Shop of Horrors (Steve Martin has never been funnier and Murray played a role he was born for)
5. What About Bob? ("Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic...and so am I"...doesn't get funnier)
4. Scrooged (Could easily be #2...Murray was priceless..."The bitch hit me with a toaster")
3. Kingpin (Some of Murray's best lines..."Oh, that's not a case at all. the woman's a stone-face liar. Let's not ever talk about that. I pulled out of her really early on that one." "Me, If I get drunk and fall down and hurt myself, I might lose." "Hi. Hi. Not you. Hi")
2. Caddyshack (Most everyone recognizes this a one of the greats..."In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher." "Well, I got a lot of stuff on order. You know...credit trouble."
1. Ghostbusters (Doesn't even need any explanation, just some quotes. "Nimble little minx, in't she?" " No, we're exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve...Bite your head off, man."Why worry? Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back." "Someone blows their nose and you want to keep it?" "We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft's okay! He's a sailor, he's in New York; we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble."So, she's a dog." "I don't have to take this abuse from you. I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me." "Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Remember that?" "If I'm wrong, nothing happens! We go to jail--peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing...Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters." Last one I promise, "This happen to you before? Huh. First time?"
Some of you may argue that Caddyshack should be above Ghostbusters. Simply put, you are wrong. If I were doing a list of funniest movies ever, Ghostbusters would be at the top. I am sorry if you don't agree, but if you don't then you really need to watch the movie again and work on your sense of humor. There are very few movies that I can watch alone that I will sit for an hour and a half and laugh out loud uncontrolably and Ghostbusters is one of time (for example, Hear No Evil, See No Evil is another).
Other possible arguments could include me not including Quick Change or The Man Who Knew Too Little. Quick Change was a funny movie and outside Christmas Vacation it was Randy Quaid's best, but there can only be ten on this list, so something had to be left out. Others left out could include Rushmore, Mad Dog and Glory, Ed Wood, and Tootsie. Again I am sorry and no disrepect to those movies, but they just aren't as funny as the ones on the list. And please nobody say movies like Charlie's Angels or The Darjeeling Limited. These were good movies, but not Murray's best.
Stay tuned for more Top Ten List.
Here is my list (my first Top 10 list, take that Hot Clicks). Please comment, complain, agree, or protest if you like.
10. Groundhog Day (this role was made for Murray. "Yeah Rita, there hicks"...great line)
9. Meatballs (Classic for any teenage boy to see)
8. Stripes (Impossible to put Murray, Harold Ramis, and John Candy in a movie and it not be great)
7. Coffee & Cirgarettees (You may not have heard of it, but you should see it. Limited role for Murray, but great movie...classic Murray)
6. Little Shop of Horrors (Steve Martin has never been funnier and Murray played a role he was born for)
5. What About Bob? ("Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm a schizophrenic...and so am I"...doesn't get funnier)
4. Scrooged (Could easily be #2...Murray was priceless..."The bitch hit me with a toaster")
3. Kingpin (Some of Murray's best lines..."Oh, that's not a case at all. the woman's a stone-face liar. Let's not ever talk about that. I pulled out of her really early on that one." "Me, If I get drunk and fall down and hurt myself, I might lose." "Hi. Hi. Not you. Hi")
2. Caddyshack (Most everyone recognizes this a one of the greats..."In the immortal words of Jean Paul Sartre, 'Au revoir, gopher." "Well, I got a lot of stuff on order. You know...credit trouble."
1. Ghostbusters (Doesn't even need any explanation, just some quotes. "Nimble little minx, in't she?" " No, we're exterminators. Someone saw a cockroach up on twelve...Bite your head off, man."Why worry? Each one of us is carrying an unlicensed nuclear accelerator on his back." "Someone blows their nose and you want to keep it?" "We've been going about this all wrong. This Mr. Stay Puft's okay! He's a sailor, he's in New York; we get this guy laid, we won't have any trouble."So, she's a dog." "I don't have to take this abuse from you. I've got hundreds of people dying to abuse me." "Egon, this reminds me of the time you tried to drill a hole through your head. Remember that?" "If I'm wrong, nothing happens! We go to jail--peacefully, quietly. We'll enjoy it. But if I'm right, and we can stop this thing...Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters." Last one I promise, "This happen to you before? Huh. First time?"
Some of you may argue that Caddyshack should be above Ghostbusters. Simply put, you are wrong. If I were doing a list of funniest movies ever, Ghostbusters would be at the top. I am sorry if you don't agree, but if you don't then you really need to watch the movie again and work on your sense of humor. There are very few movies that I can watch alone that I will sit for an hour and a half and laugh out loud uncontrolably and Ghostbusters is one of time (for example, Hear No Evil, See No Evil is another).
Other possible arguments could include me not including Quick Change or The Man Who Knew Too Little. Quick Change was a funny movie and outside Christmas Vacation it was Randy Quaid's best, but there can only be ten on this list, so something had to be left out. Others left out could include Rushmore, Mad Dog and Glory, Ed Wood, and Tootsie. Again I am sorry and no disrepect to those movies, but they just aren't as funny as the ones on the list. And please nobody say movies like Charlie's Angels or The Darjeeling Limited. These were good movies, but not Murray's best.
Stay tuned for more Top Ten List.
Movie and Book Recommendations
One thing that I will do from time to time on this blog is make some recommendations of movies and books that I like. It is my way of letting you know what I think is worth your time.
First, though it probably doesn't need a recommendation, I was to let you know that I really enjoyed Slumdog Millionaire. Even though it was one a bunch of awards and is up for an Oscar, this is not how I found out about this movie. On his weekly show in CNN, Fareed Zakaria always makes recommendations about movies, books, or music that he like (kind of like me). A few months ago, after the Mumbai attacks, Fareed recommended Slumdog. It was a great movie because it had everything. It was funny, serious, educational, entertaining, and captivating. It is probably one of most well-rounded movies that I have seen in a long time. If you get the chance, go and watch. It is only about 2 hours, but you will think that you were only on the movies for about 30 minutes.
My book recommendation is the book How to Break a Terrorist: The U.S. Interrogators Who Used Brains, Not Brutality, to Take Down the Deadliest Man in Iraq by Matthew Alexander (not his real name). Like the vast majority of books I read, I heard about this book on the Daily Show with John Stewart and it peaked my interests. Now I don't read a lot, but I have gotten into it lately and this book was wonderful. It was not long (which is key for me) and it was an extremely easy read. The book is about how this group of interrogators used new tactics, such as respect, friendship, understanding, and rapport to get suspects to give them the information they needed. It really gives you an excellent understanding into the minds of not only the interrogators, but also the suspects. It is also a wonderfully amazing book about strategy and having to outsmart someone who didn't want to give you what you needed. I don't want to give the whole book away, but it really shows how helpful these tactics can be and how useless the tactics of fear and control really are.
First, though it probably doesn't need a recommendation, I was to let you know that I really enjoyed Slumdog Millionaire. Even though it was one a bunch of awards and is up for an Oscar, this is not how I found out about this movie. On his weekly show in CNN, Fareed Zakaria always makes recommendations about movies, books, or music that he like (kind of like me). A few months ago, after the Mumbai attacks, Fareed recommended Slumdog. It was a great movie because it had everything. It was funny, serious, educational, entertaining, and captivating. It is probably one of most well-rounded movies that I have seen in a long time. If you get the chance, go and watch. It is only about 2 hours, but you will think that you were only on the movies for about 30 minutes.
My book recommendation is the book How to Break a Terrorist: The U.S. Interrogators Who Used Brains, Not Brutality, to Take Down the Deadliest Man in Iraq by Matthew Alexander (not his real name). Like the vast majority of books I read, I heard about this book on the Daily Show with John Stewart and it peaked my interests. Now I don't read a lot, but I have gotten into it lately and this book was wonderful. It was not long (which is key for me) and it was an extremely easy read. The book is about how this group of interrogators used new tactics, such as respect, friendship, understanding, and rapport to get suspects to give them the information they needed. It really gives you an excellent understanding into the minds of not only the interrogators, but also the suspects. It is also a wonderfully amazing book about strategy and having to outsmart someone who didn't want to give you what you needed. I don't want to give the whole book away, but it really shows how helpful these tactics can be and how useless the tactics of fear and control really are.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Super Bowl Ads and Other Thoughts
I was going to start this ealier, but I had some internet issues. Let me say that I don't "have a dog in this hunt" and I like (and dislike) both teams for different reason. I really respect and like Kurt Warner and want to see him do well. I also like Mike Tomblin, he seems like a good guy, and Ben Roethlisberger. On the other hand, I really don't like the way the majority of Steeler fans behave. Nothing against any one Steeler fan personally, but when you get them in a group, it is just really annoying and it makes them hard to root for. Anyway, I really just want to see a good game.
I will keep this updated as the game goes on, so keep checking back.
Game Thoughts
I thought Jennifer Hudson was great.
Always take the ball when you have the chance.
Gutsy challenge by Ken Whisenhunt early in the game
Tomlin was smart to go for three early and not risk it on forth down
Going live now:3:58 1st: wow what a play by Big Ben, Arizona better start hitting
End of first quarter thoughts: Arizona better stop giving up ten yards a pop to the Steelers and get their defense off the field
14:09 2nd: 10-0 isn't impossible to comeback from, but they better get started
8:43 2nd: what a catch by Ben Patrick (yes, Ben Patrick), never seen a tight end jump so high...first td of the year for Patrick, I love that
4:16 2nd: Special Teams always plays a role in the Super Bowl, great run by Breston
0:51 2nd: Fitz gets his first catch...remember that moment, could get him started
0:01 2nd: Holy shit, are you kidding me...James Harrison 100 interception return..what were the Cardinals doing...best interception return ever!
End of 2nd, Halftime: What a turn around. Could have been could have been 14-10 Arizona, now it is 17-7 Steelers. It is going to be tough mentally for the Cardinals to come back again, I hope they have it in them
Halftime: I was digging the Boss, but hey, its the Boss. Springsteen rocks has always rocked and he still does. I was really enjoying the show, then they played "Glory Days" and then I was loving it. Best half time show in recent years that I can remember, glad to see they got that right.
7:31 3rd: A stupid roughing the passer penalty, and by stupid I mean on the refs part. This rules really needs to be looked at again. It was a big penalty that the Cardinals didn't deserve.
3:32 3rd: Personal foul on Adrian Wilson. Dumbest play of the game, could pretty much cost his team the game. It has the potential to go from a two possession game to a three possession game. Stupid.
2:43 3rd: Good job by the Cardinals Defenese. It cost them less than a minute, but it was still a stupid penalty, but a field goal is better than a TD. 20-7
End of 3rd: Cardinals better get moving. The Steelers will just run, run, run the clock out, so the Cardinals better score fast. 20-7
14:32 4th: Really glad to see Boldin have a good game. Boldin helped me win fantasy this year, so I am glad to see him get his 7th catch Not really helping though because no one else is doing anything
13:34 4th: There have been some really bad calls in favor of the Steelers. Defensive holding was a bad call and there have been about four others.
9:27 4th: 23 yard reception by J.J. Arrington isn't a huge deal, though it was a big play, but I have two Arrington rookie autograph cards, so I like to see him do well.
7:33 4th: Larry Fitzgerald can really catch and he just got the Cardinals back in the game. We will have to wait and see. There is a lot of time left.
6:39 4th: Dockett sacks Big Ben again. If the Cardinals pull this off, Dockett is a strong MVP candidate.
5:21 4th: Personal fouls are stupid and kill teams. Steelers just got a big one on Ike Taylor and it will hurt.
3:26 4th: Personal foul again on Harrison this time. Not as big of deal, but it could have been. This is the Super Bowl, these guys have to be smarter.
2:59 4th: That was the biggest catch of Santonio Holmes career...and then holding in the end zone for a safety. The game was over for the most part after the first down and not the Cardinals are in great shape to win this thing. They still need a TD though.
2:37 4th: Holy shit...Larry Fitzgerald may be the fastest man alive. Great pass by Warner and Fitzgerald just ran away from everyone else...wow. 23-20 Cardinals
1:56 4th: What were the Steelers doing trying to get that play off before the 2 minute warning. What was their rush and why that play down field. I don't get it.
1:44 4th: S. Holmes is having a great game.
1:01 4th: This is turning out to be a great game and a great finish. The Steelers are at the 50 yard line with 1 minute left.
0:49 4th: I just got done saying that Santonio Holmes was having a great game. I knew there was a reason I drafted that guy in the 4th Round of my fantasy draft
0:35 4th: I have been telling you about Santonio Holmes. What an amazing catch. MVP
0:29 4th: Steelers better play some D
0:22 4th: My lord, Fitzgerald is good. Big catch and they are still alive
0:05 4th: Nothing Warner could do the pressure was just too great. Great try by the Cardinals, but the Steelers are Super Bowl Champs...My only suggestion is that their fans act like champions (see my blog about celebrating below)
End of Game: Steelers win, Holmes is MVP in my book
Ad Scoreboard (out of 10 points):
1st Quarter
Bud Light 1: 5 (guy getting thrown from the window was not good)
Audi: 8 (it had Jason Statham in, nothing else to say)
Pepsi: 6 (Will I am was in it, but nothing great)
Doritos 1: 9 (loved the snow globe going into the snack machine)
Bud Light 2: 4 (Conan was dumb)
Toyota: 4 (Vensa ad was too normal)
Bridgestone: 7 (Potatohead ad was pretty funny)
2nd Quarter
Castrol: 7 (Greese monkeys was a pretty good idea)
Doritos 2: 6 (Good with the guy getting hit at the end)
Go Daddy: 5 (Disappointing after what they have done in pervious years)
Pepsi Max: 8 (I am always down for a good physical comedy ad)
Pedigree: 6 (Funny, but nothing to remember)
Budweiser 1: 4 (Fetch was okay, but I am done with the horse and dogs, they need to find something else)
Budweiser 2: 2 ("Ain't No Mountain", again I am done with horses and dogs, do something else)
Gatorade: 6 (good spokesperson ad for "G", but this is the Super Bowl)
Cars.com: 8 (I really liked this one about the guy how could do anything but buy a car, funny)
Hyundai 2: 7 (Didn't understand the guys going crazy over the newspaper but kinda funny)
Etrader: 9 (that baby is always funny, but adding the second baby was great)
Budlight 3: 3 (Skiing spot was awful...no matter who loses the game, Budlight is the big loser)
H&R Block: 5 (nothing interesting at all with the grim reaper)
Telefora: 4 (flowers in a box, what is wrong with these spots this year)
Cheetos: 9 (great spot with the pigeons, maybe the best so far)
Sobe Lifewater: 4 (all the dancing around and what not...pointless) (I have since read that this was in 3D...why? and why didn't I know that?)
Nextel: 4 (Roadies was a good idea, but not really done that well)
Priceline: 6 (Shatner impression was funny, but it could have been better)
3rd Quarter
WSAZ (local news): 2 (trying not to be flashy and gimmicky, is just gimmicky and it looks bad)
Coke: 5 (been wondering where Coke was, and with that ad, they could have just stayed home)
Bridgestone 2: 9 ("Jump Around" was a good idea in space and pretty funny)
Denny's: 7 (Free Grand Slam is nice and the waitress with the whipcream was funny)
Moster.com: 8 (Moosehead started off a little boring, but the end was great with the guy at the copier)
Budweiser 3: 2 (Horses to America...these ads just keep getting worse)
Careerbuilder.com: 10 (Time to find a new job spot was the best ad thus far...absolutely funny)
Coke 2: 5 (bugs stealing the guys Coke...made no sense and wasn't rememorable)
Frosted Flakes: 5 (nice thing they are doing, but nothing great)
Nfl.com: 8 (I really liked the guys story and it was kinda funny)
4th Quarter
Heineken: 6 (not really as funny as they wanted it to be with the guy being smart and drinking)
Coke Zero: 10 (second best spot. Ripping off the Mean Joe spot and putting in the Coke Zero guys was great)
Cash4Gold: 10 (It had MC Hammer in it, so it has to get the best available rating. it was also very funny)
Vizio: 6 (This direct call to President Obama was cleaver, but nothing other than that)
Taco Bell: 7 (Pretty funny with the guy moving fast on the girl)
GE: 8 (Wizard the Oz talking about the smart grid (whatever that is, but that is a different blog) was a really cleaver way to do that ad)
Hulu: 9 (Alec Baldwin is in it so it has to be great and the drooling part was really funny (by the way, hulu.com is one of the best sites out there, so I highly recommend it)
GE 2: 8 (a funny wind energy ad doesn't seem possible, but it worked well)
Pepsi 2: 7 ("MacGruber" was okay at the start, but really didn't end well, it was still okay)
Budlight Lime: 5 (nothing interesting or different)
Go Daddy 2: 7 (better than the first, but they have a lot to live up to and they just didn't do it.
I will keep this updated as the game goes on, so keep checking back.
Game Thoughts
I thought Jennifer Hudson was great.
Always take the ball when you have the chance.
Gutsy challenge by Ken Whisenhunt early in the game
Tomlin was smart to go for three early and not risk it on forth down
Going live now:3:58 1st: wow what a play by Big Ben, Arizona better start hitting
End of first quarter thoughts: Arizona better stop giving up ten yards a pop to the Steelers and get their defense off the field
14:09 2nd: 10-0 isn't impossible to comeback from, but they better get started
8:43 2nd: what a catch by Ben Patrick (yes, Ben Patrick), never seen a tight end jump so high...first td of the year for Patrick, I love that
4:16 2nd: Special Teams always plays a role in the Super Bowl, great run by Breston
0:51 2nd: Fitz gets his first catch...remember that moment, could get him started
0:01 2nd: Holy shit, are you kidding me...James Harrison 100 interception return..what were the Cardinals doing...best interception return ever!
End of 2nd, Halftime: What a turn around. Could have been could have been 14-10 Arizona, now it is 17-7 Steelers. It is going to be tough mentally for the Cardinals to come back again, I hope they have it in them
Halftime: I was digging the Boss, but hey, its the Boss. Springsteen rocks has always rocked and he still does. I was really enjoying the show, then they played "Glory Days" and then I was loving it. Best half time show in recent years that I can remember, glad to see they got that right.
7:31 3rd: A stupid roughing the passer penalty, and by stupid I mean on the refs part. This rules really needs to be looked at again. It was a big penalty that the Cardinals didn't deserve.
3:32 3rd: Personal foul on Adrian Wilson. Dumbest play of the game, could pretty much cost his team the game. It has the potential to go from a two possession game to a three possession game. Stupid.
2:43 3rd: Good job by the Cardinals Defenese. It cost them less than a minute, but it was still a stupid penalty, but a field goal is better than a TD. 20-7
End of 3rd: Cardinals better get moving. The Steelers will just run, run, run the clock out, so the Cardinals better score fast. 20-7
14:32 4th: Really glad to see Boldin have a good game. Boldin helped me win fantasy this year, so I am glad to see him get his 7th catch Not really helping though because no one else is doing anything
13:34 4th: There have been some really bad calls in favor of the Steelers. Defensive holding was a bad call and there have been about four others.
9:27 4th: 23 yard reception by J.J. Arrington isn't a huge deal, though it was a big play, but I have two Arrington rookie autograph cards, so I like to see him do well.
7:33 4th: Larry Fitzgerald can really catch and he just got the Cardinals back in the game. We will have to wait and see. There is a lot of time left.
6:39 4th: Dockett sacks Big Ben again. If the Cardinals pull this off, Dockett is a strong MVP candidate.
5:21 4th: Personal fouls are stupid and kill teams. Steelers just got a big one on Ike Taylor and it will hurt.
3:26 4th: Personal foul again on Harrison this time. Not as big of deal, but it could have been. This is the Super Bowl, these guys have to be smarter.
2:59 4th: That was the biggest catch of Santonio Holmes career...and then holding in the end zone for a safety. The game was over for the most part after the first down and not the Cardinals are in great shape to win this thing. They still need a TD though.
2:37 4th: Holy shit...Larry Fitzgerald may be the fastest man alive. Great pass by Warner and Fitzgerald just ran away from everyone else...wow. 23-20 Cardinals
1:56 4th: What were the Steelers doing trying to get that play off before the 2 minute warning. What was their rush and why that play down field. I don't get it.
1:44 4th: S. Holmes is having a great game.
1:01 4th: This is turning out to be a great game and a great finish. The Steelers are at the 50 yard line with 1 minute left.
0:49 4th: I just got done saying that Santonio Holmes was having a great game. I knew there was a reason I drafted that guy in the 4th Round of my fantasy draft
0:35 4th: I have been telling you about Santonio Holmes. What an amazing catch. MVP
0:29 4th: Steelers better play some D
0:22 4th: My lord, Fitzgerald is good. Big catch and they are still alive
0:05 4th: Nothing Warner could do the pressure was just too great. Great try by the Cardinals, but the Steelers are Super Bowl Champs...My only suggestion is that their fans act like champions (see my blog about celebrating below)
End of Game: Steelers win, Holmes is MVP in my book
Ad Scoreboard (out of 10 points):
1st Quarter
Bud Light 1: 5 (guy getting thrown from the window was not good)
Audi: 8 (it had Jason Statham in, nothing else to say)
Pepsi: 6 (Will I am was in it, but nothing great)
Doritos 1: 9 (loved the snow globe going into the snack machine)
Bud Light 2: 4 (Conan was dumb)
Toyota: 4 (Vensa ad was too normal)
Bridgestone: 7 (Potatohead ad was pretty funny)
2nd Quarter
Castrol: 7 (Greese monkeys was a pretty good idea)
Doritos 2: 6 (Good with the guy getting hit at the end)
Go Daddy: 5 (Disappointing after what they have done in pervious years)
Pepsi Max: 8 (I am always down for a good physical comedy ad)
Pedigree: 6 (Funny, but nothing to remember)
Budweiser 1: 4 (Fetch was okay, but I am done with the horse and dogs, they need to find something else)
Budweiser 2: 2 ("Ain't No Mountain", again I am done with horses and dogs, do something else)
Gatorade: 6 (good spokesperson ad for "G", but this is the Super Bowl)
Cars.com: 8 (I really liked this one about the guy how could do anything but buy a car, funny)
Hyundai 2: 7 (Didn't understand the guys going crazy over the newspaper but kinda funny)
Etrader: 9 (that baby is always funny, but adding the second baby was great)
Budlight 3: 3 (Skiing spot was awful...no matter who loses the game, Budlight is the big loser)
H&R Block: 5 (nothing interesting at all with the grim reaper)
Telefora: 4 (flowers in a box, what is wrong with these spots this year)
Cheetos: 9 (great spot with the pigeons, maybe the best so far)
Sobe Lifewater: 4 (all the dancing around and what not...pointless) (I have since read that this was in 3D...why? and why didn't I know that?)
Nextel: 4 (Roadies was a good idea, but not really done that well)
Priceline: 6 (Shatner impression was funny, but it could have been better)
3rd Quarter
WSAZ (local news): 2 (trying not to be flashy and gimmicky, is just gimmicky and it looks bad)
Coke: 5 (been wondering where Coke was, and with that ad, they could have just stayed home)
Bridgestone 2: 9 ("Jump Around" was a good idea in space and pretty funny)
Denny's: 7 (Free Grand Slam is nice and the waitress with the whipcream was funny)
Moster.com: 8 (Moosehead started off a little boring, but the end was great with the guy at the copier)
Budweiser 3: 2 (Horses to America...these ads just keep getting worse)
Careerbuilder.com: 10 (Time to find a new job spot was the best ad thus far...absolutely funny)
Coke 2: 5 (bugs stealing the guys Coke...made no sense and wasn't rememorable)
Frosted Flakes: 5 (nice thing they are doing, but nothing great)
Nfl.com: 8 (I really liked the guys story and it was kinda funny)
4th Quarter
Heineken: 6 (not really as funny as they wanted it to be with the guy being smart and drinking)
Coke Zero: 10 (second best spot. Ripping off the Mean Joe spot and putting in the Coke Zero guys was great)
Cash4Gold: 10 (It had MC Hammer in it, so it has to get the best available rating. it was also very funny)
Vizio: 6 (This direct call to President Obama was cleaver, but nothing other than that)
Taco Bell: 7 (Pretty funny with the guy moving fast on the girl)
GE: 8 (Wizard the Oz talking about the smart grid (whatever that is, but that is a different blog) was a really cleaver way to do that ad)
Hulu: 9 (Alec Baldwin is in it so it has to be great and the drooling part was really funny (by the way, hulu.com is one of the best sites out there, so I highly recommend it)
GE 2: 8 (a funny wind energy ad doesn't seem possible, but it worked well)
Pepsi 2: 7 ("MacGruber" was okay at the start, but really didn't end well, it was still okay)
Budlight Lime: 5 (nothing interesting or different)
Go Daddy 2: 7 (better than the first, but they have a lot to live up to and they just didn't do it.
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