Monday, February 23, 2009

The Best Show on TV

Friday night my wife and I got home from eating dinner and decided, like we do most Fridays, to start catching up on your shows that we put on DVR for the week. We have several shows that we watch, but as we were watching I started thinking about writing a blog about the best show on tv. First I thought about doing a blog on the best shows of all time, but man that got to be tough, so I may take a stab at that soon. Let me state for the record, that the best show of all time is The West Wing and I won't take any arguments on this one. Anyway, back to the best show on tv today. I tried to put some parameters on the selection, such as it has to be on regular tv. I don't have HBO or Showtime, so for me, those shows don't count (though there are some fine shows on those networks I hear). I thought about taking out reality shows, but they are just as much a part of tv as regular shows, so they stayed in (though none made the Top 10). I did however take out talk shows, such as The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. It breaks my heart not to include those shows, but I took them out. All other shows, whether it be comedy, drama, action, sci-fi, 30 minutes or 60 minutes, were included.

Okay, on with my list:

10: Nip/Tuck--I personally don't watch Nip/Tuck, but my wife does and Scott is always raving about it, and I really like what I have seen, so it made the list, if for no other reason than I think they have the best trailers each week.
9: House--I have been a big fan of House since the very first season, but I have to be honest it is beginning to slip a little, but just a little. They need to go back and focus on medical cases and take some of the personal stuff out of it. Still a great show and the fact that I sit endlessly and watch reruns on USA means it is still great.
8: Psych--This is a great show that I just recently got into. It is very funny and at the same times keeps you guessing about what is going on. It is like a CSI that is funny and doesn't take itself too seriously, so I like that.
7: South Park--I am not sure that South Park will ever not be on this list. It never ceases to deliver and it is always cutting edge and hilarious.
6: Damages--This is a great show, despite the fact that I leave each week's episode madder and madder because they won't reveal much of the plot. The show is entertaining and no one can say that it doesn't keep you guessing and wanting more.,
5: The Office--This show can really disappoint some weeks, but it can also be the funniest thing you have ever watched some weeks, so I keep it up top. The show needs to stay focused on being funny, so hopefully we won't be disappointed.
4: Numb3ers--This show just continues to amaze me. Last year I would have taken it off my list, but they really did a great job of getting the show back on track and have added on plot twists and some great graphics work to keep us entertained.
3: Lie to Me--This is the best new show on tv and if I was writing this blog a month from now, I bet that this show would be on top. It is the most interesting new show to come along in a long time and I am really enjoying it. It is one of those shows that will reach a breaking point in a season or two and have to decide which direction to go, but if they can keep it fresh, it will be a great show for years to come.
2: Gossip Girl--Yes, you read that correctly. This show has everything and I always get mad when I sit down and get ready to watch shows and realize that there wasn't a new Gossip Girl on. Also, I have to stay, I have never wanted to model my life after a character more than Chuck Bass. This isn't just a show for teenage girls, it is worth a viewing from everyone.
1: Burn Notice--Hands down the top show on tv. I got into Burn Notice at the end of last year and I can't wait each week for a new show. The season is almost over, but I am willing to wait. It is a difficult concept for the writers to continue to come up with fresh episodes each week, but they have done it perfectly and I think that they will continue to do the same for years to come.

Shows that missed the cut (and some explanation) in no particular order:

30 Rock--I just never really found the show funny except for Alec Bladwin. It just doesn't even come close to the top comedies on tv in my opinion.
Heroes--I tried to get into this show, but never really got it down. I think it is a great show and if there was an 11th, this show would probably be it.
Scrubs--This actually pains me to say and I almost didn't even put it down, but even though Scrubs is still extermely funny, it is a shell of its former self. I still sit for hours on end and watch old episodes, so it is difficult for this season to compare.
Grey Anatomy--This show has gone down each season since the first season and it continues to slip. I am still giving the show a chance, but after each episode, I always say that that was the last one.
Trust Me--This is a new show and it has the potential to make the list, but I am worried that this show is going to fade away.
Law & Order/CSI--Too many spin offs hurt the original shows. I know some people still like them, but there have been other shows that have come along and knocked these guys off the list.
Lost--I tried and tried to get into this show, but the concept never caught on. I just don't think it is as good as others do.
American Idol--Not even as close to as good as it used to be. So why do I keep watching? I have no idea
Hell's Kitchen--I love watching any show with Ramsey but they really need to update this show and put some new twists to it.
Big Brother--I know it isn't on right now, but this is my favorite reality show, so I thought I would mention it
Fringe--Two months ago, this show was on its way to being the new X-Files and at the top of my list, then something happened. They just went way to far out there and are on the verge of losing it. If they can wrangle in the concepts for the shows and little bit and bring it back to somewhat of reality, then it can make a huge comeback in my book.

Let me know what you think I have missed, what needs to be added, and what needs to be deleted.


  1. Two shows you could include on the "must watch" list are:

    24 - They've really put the extra effort in keeping viewers engaged from week to week.

    Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles - I've been hooked on this since season 1. Good action and it doesn't have the "non-sense" sci-fi plots that many fictional shows eventually take.

    One show I happen to agree with you on is Fringe. I watched the first full season and just haven't been able to get myself motivated to continue. There's just something that's missing with this show and I can't put my finger on it. I really want to like it - but I'm finding it difficult to continue to watch.

    Back episodes for 24 and Terminator can be found on

  2. One thing I forgot to mention --- I must say that H's Kitchen is rather entertaining. Every Wed. I look forward to watching him degrade the wanna-be chefs. I'm sorry but this show (although cruel and vulgar) is entertaining.
