This morning's post made me want to put together a new Top Ten List. Let me say this now though. Everyone has a different comedic sense. What I find funny, you may not find funny. Therefore, list this is not meant to be etched in stone (like the Bill Murray list), but it is meant to start a conversation. I may forget someone, or put someone in the wrong place in your opinion, so please feel free to say so. Okay, here is my Top Ten List of Comedians, along with my favorite album from each.
10. Jerry Seinfeld: I'm Telling You for the Last Time
9. Bill Cosby: Himself
8. Eddie Murphy: Raw
7. Dennis Leary: No Cure for Cancer
6. Robin Williams: Live on Broadway
5. Rodney Dangerfield: No Respect
4. Redd Foxx: Uncensored
3. Sam Kinison: Live From Hell
2. Richard Pryor: Wanted, Live in Concert
1. George Carlin: Back in Town
Let me know what you think
The only thing I'd tweak on this list would be Eddie Murphy. I have to give kudos to Delirious, which was 10 times funnier and much more vulgar for that matter. Maybe it has something to do with me seeing him live back when I was in 6th grade. My aunt took me and I guess she didn't realize the 'level' of lewdness that would be coming out of his mouth. Needless to say (due to my age) I was rolling the entire time. Yes, my aunt was embarrassed once the stand-up began. The other thing I remember from that day was that after about 5 min's into the act - people started getting up to leave. Come on folks - do the research - this is Ed. Who were expecting...Bill Cosby?