Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Podcast Recommendation

I have made recommendations about books and movies in the past, so today I thought I would make a podcast recommendation for all of you iTunes people out there. If you are interested in world affairs and international politics then you must download Fareed Zakaria GPS videocast. Fareed Zakaria is clearly the smartest man in the media, and one of the smartest persons in the world, concerning international affairs and his opinions should be taken very seriously by all of us.

Fareed is the editor of Newsweek International and now host a weekly show on CNN, Fareed Zakaria GPS. In 2009, Forbes referred to Fareed as one fo the 25 most influential liberals in American media. Some of you have already shut me down because he has been referred to as a liberal, but don't let that fool you. He is a centrist who believe that that "a new world requires new thinking" and that it is his job "...not to pick sides but to explain what I think is happenign on the ground." He has written four excellent books, The American Encounter: The United Staes and the Making of the Modern World, From Wealth to Power, The Future of Freedom, and his newest book The Post-American World.

I first learned of Fareed from the Daily Show. He is a regular guest with Jon Stewart and is one of the few guest that Steward always takes seriously. If you don't have time to watch Fareed's show on Sunday (1 pm or 6 pm on CNN) then download his podcast everyweek and take the time to listen. He is always able to get the best guests, because leaders and scholars around the world respect him and know that he will always allow them to speak and he won't push any agenda on them. This past week he had Afghan President Hamid Karzai on his show to discuss his reelection, corruption charges, and al Qaeda. It is well worth the listen each and every week.

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