Monday, February 9, 2009

Standing Up for Our State

You know what, I understand the stereotype that people outside of West Virginia have about our wonderful state. I don't like it, and I sometimes I take great offense to it. Recently, I have started watching the show Damages. Glen Close is the star of the show and it is an excellent show. It is well written and well performed, but I have a man sized beef to pick with them.
I am not going to get into great detail about the plot of the show, but for those of you who don't watch it, part of the show takes place in West Virginia. A chemical company is poisoning the water supply in West Virginia and Glen Close's character is a lawyer who is trying to take down the chemical company. The show has gone out of its way to make our state look like a bunch of idiots and now they are making jokes at our expense, for really no reason. The jokes and story lines really don't have anything to do with the main show, except to point out that this chemical company and it's CEO don't care about West Virginia. They told the following joke about West Virginia during the last episode: "Why do birds fly upside down over West Virginia...because there is nothing worth shitting on there." Out of respect for our great state, I won't repeat anymore jokes, but they were simply aimed at reinforcing the awful stereotypes that a lot of people have about our state.
I am torn. I really like this show, but I am somewhat offended by their take on West Virginia. I am not going to stop watching just yet, but if these unnecessary attacks continue, I will give it up. I hope our Governor is watching the show, or has been told about it, because, to his credit, he is done a really good job at stepping up to groups that use these stereotypes about our state. He has been very vocal and outspoken when it comes to the entertainment industry using West Virginia to get a few good laughs and he, and other state agencies, have done a wonderful job in making our state about more than just stupid stereotypes. He took on the movie "The Express" when they showed WVU fans in a poor light, because they said the movie was based on a true story and the part about WVU was fictional and he was successful. So I hope that the Governor, and others, take on this cause as well and that the show gives up this feudal attempt to make our state look bad.

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